Big News!  Tilt is joining Docker

Tiltfile Snippets

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  • Build a Docker image

    Register an image to build with docker_build

    # docker build -t companyname/frontend ./frontend
    docker_build("companyname/frontend", "frontend")
  • Build an image with inline Dockerfile

    Build an nginx image with provided static assets via an inline Dockerfile

    FROM nginx:latest
    COPY . /usr/share/nginx/html
    docker_build("companyname/assets", "./assets", dockerfile_contents=dockerfile)
  • Apply K8s YAML

    Apply K8s YAML manifest files

    # one static YAML file
    # multiple YAML files in one call
    k8s_yaml(['k8s/secrets.yaml', 'k8s/configmaps.yaml', 'k8s/crds.yaml'])
  • Apply K8s Kustomize templates

    Apply K8s manifests results from Kustomize

  • Apply K8s Helm templates

    Apply K8s manifests results from a local Helm chart

  • Apply output from custom command

    Run a custom command to generate YAML to apply to the cluster

    text = local('./') # runs command
  • Create a port-forward to a container

    Set up a port-forward to a resource's default container

    # connect localhost:9000 to container port 9000
  • Configure a K8s resource

    Associate a secret and a volume to a service

      objects=['frontend:secret', 'frontend:volume']
  • Create a K8s resource from existing objects

    Make a new resource by grouping objects necessary for cluster setup

      objects=['my-ns:namespace', 'kafka:crd', 'some-ingress:ingress'],
    # Wait to deploy this resource until cluster setup is complete
    k8s_resource('myapp', resource_deps=['cluster-setup'])
  • Create a K8s deployment

    Deploy a redis server with the "deployment" extension

    # Load the 'deployment' extension
    load('ext://deployment', 'deployment_create')
    # Create a redis deployment and service with a readiness probe
  • Create a K8s secret

    Create a secret with the "secret" extension

    # Load the 'secret' extension
    load('ext://secret', 'secret_create_generic', 'secret_from_dict')
    # Create a pgpass secret from a local file
    secret_create_generic('pgpass', from_file='.pgpass=./.pgpass')
    # Create a secret from a dict
    k8s_yaml(secret_from_dict("secrets", inputs={'SOME_TOKEN': os.getenv('SOME_TOKEN')}))
  • Create a K8s configmap

    Create a configmap with the "configmap" extension

    # Load the 'configmap' extension
    load('ext://configmap', 'configmap_create')
    # Create a configmap from a file
    configmap_create('grafana-config', from_file=['grafana.ini=./grafana.ini'])
    # Create a configmap from a dict
    k8s_yaml(configmap_from_dict('app-env', inputs={'HOST': '', 'PORT': '5000'}))
  • Build and deploy with Docker Compose

    Launch services using an existing Compose file

  • Deploy Docker Compose services with overrides

    Layer overrides on top of an existing Compose file

    services = {'app': {'environment': {'DEBUG': 'true'}}}
    docker_compose(['docker-compose.yml', encode_yaml({'services': services})])
  • Run a local Yarn command

    Run Yarn every time dependencies change

    local_resource('yarn', cmd='yarn install', deps=['package.json', 'yarn.lock'])
  • Build and run a local go server

    Set up a server that rebuilds/relaunches on changes

      cmd='go build ./cmd/myserver',
      serve_cmd='./myserver --port=8001',
  • Install and run a local nodejs server

    Install dependencies and start the server

      cmd='yarn install',
      deps=['package.json', 'yarn.lock'],
      serve_cmd='yarn start'
  • Show the K8s API server logs

    Create a resource to follow the K8s API server logs

    api_pod = 'kube-apiserver-docker-desktop' # For Docker Desktop cluster
    # api_pod = 'kube-apiserver-kind-control-plane' # for KIND cluster
    local_resource('kube-logs', serve_cmd='kubectl logs -f -n kube-system {}'.format(api_pod))
  • ✉️ submitted by nicks

    Handle tilt down

    Do a custom action on 'tilt down'

    if config.tilt_subcommand == 'down':
      print('Goodbye world!')
  • Build an image for an existing K8s resource

    Configure live-update and inject the image into a deployment not managed by Tilt

      live_update=[sync("./myapp", "/app")]
        kubectl -v=0 set image deployment/myapp *=$TILT_IMAGE_0 > /dev/null && \
          kubectl get deployment/myapp -o yaml
      delete_cmd="echo Myapp managed outside of Tilt",
  • Build and deploy an app to K8s

    Build and deploy without YAML using the "deployment" extension

    load('ext://deployment', 'deployment_create')
      # For a Dockerfile that has a 'COPY . /app' statement in it
      live_update=[sync('./myapp', '/app')]
  • Trigger a Makefile task

    Execute a Makefile task on-demand with a trigger

    # To run: `tilt trigger mytask` or via trigger button 🔃 in the UI
      cmd="make mytask",
  • Enable per-developer customizations

    Conditionally load a local.tiltfile for additional functionality

    # Remember to add `local.tiltfile` to .gitignore
    if os.path.exists('local.tiltfile'):
  • Enforce a Kubernetes version range

    Require a minimum and/or maximum version of Kubernetes for compatibility

    load("ext://min_k8s_version", "min_k8s_version", "max_k8s_version")
  • Enforce a minimum Tilt version

    Require a minimum version of Tilt for feature availability

    version_settings(check_updates=True, constraint='>=0.23.7')
  • Ensure a tool is installed locally

    Check that a command exists in `PATH` or fail the Tiltfile load.

    # block Tiltfile execution if missing required tool (e.g. Helm)
    def require_tool(tool, msg=None):
        tool = shlex.quote(tool)
        if not msg:
            msg = '%s is required but was not found in PATH' % tool
            command='command -v %s >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "%s"; exit 1; }' % (tool, msg),
                '& {{if (!(Get-Command %s -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {{ Write-Error "%s"; exit 1 }}}}' % (tool, msg),
  • Create a socat tunnel

    Expose a remote database server on a local port

      # Change `brew install` to your preferred way of installing socat
      cmd='which socat || brew install socat',
      serve_cmd='socat TCP-LISTEN:{port},reuseaddr,fork TCP:{remote}:{port}'.format(port=3306,remote='remote-mysql')
  • Full manual control for resource

    Configure a resource to only start/update when triggered via web UI (works with all resource types, e.g. k8s_resource, local_resource, and dc_resource). Suggested use case: on-demand jobs/tasks.

    k8s_resource("my-resource", auto_init=False, trigger_mode=TRIGGER_MODE_MANUAL)
    local_resource("my-resource", serve_cmd="./", auto_init=False, trigger_mode=TRIGGER_MODE_MANUAL)
    dc_resource("my-resouce", auto_init=False, trigger_mode=TRIGGER_MODE_MANUAL)
  • Ignore file changes for resource

    Configure a resource to start automatically but only update if triggered manually via web UI (works with all resource types, e.g. k8s_resource, local_resource, and dc_resource). Suggested use case: required services for project that you are not actively making changes to.

    k8s_resource("my-resource", auto_init=True, trigger_mode=TRIGGER_MODE_MANUAL)
    local_resource("my-resource", serve_cmd="./", auto_init=True, trigger_mode=TRIGGER_MODE_MANUAL)
    dc_resource("my-resouce", auto_init=True, trigger_mode=TRIGGER_MODE_MANUAL)
  • Wait to launch resource until first file change

    Configure a resource to not launch until the first file dependency changes after launching `tilt up` (works with all resource types, e.g. k8s_resource, local_resource, and dc_resource). Suggested use case: linters, unit tests.

    # Kubernetes `my-resource` will wait for a file in the image build context to change before start
    k8s_resource("my-resource", auto_init=False, trigger_mode=TRIGGER_MODE_AUTO)
    # Local resource `my-resource` will wait for a file in `./my-resource` to change before start
    local_resource("my-resource", serve_cmd="./", auto_init=False, trigger_mode=TRIGGER_MODE_AUTO, deps=['./my-resource'])
    # Docker Compose `my-resource` will wait for a file in the image build context to change before start
    dc_resource("my-resouce", auto_init=False, trigger_mode=TRIGGER_MODE_AUTO)