Big News!  Tilt is joining Docker

Tilt CLI Reference

tilt snapshot view

Serves the specified snapshot file and optionally opens it in the browser


Serves the specified snapshot file and optionally opens it in the browser

tilt snapshot view <path/to/snapshot.json> [flags]


# Run tilt ci and save a snapshot
tilt ci --output-snapshot-on-exit=snapshot.json
# View that snapshot
tilt snapshot view snapshot.json

# Or pipe the snapshot to stdin and specify the snapshot as '-'
curl | tilt snapshot view -


  -h, --help          help for view
      --host string   Host for the HTTP server and default host for any port-forwards. Set to to listen on all interfaces. Overrides TILT_HOST env variable. (default "localhost")
      --no-open       Do not automatically open the snapshot in the browser
      --port int      Port for the HTTP server. Defaults to a random port.

Options inherited from parent commands

  -d, --debug      Enable debug logging
      --klog int   Enable Kubernetes API logging. Uses klog v-levels (0-4 are debug logs, 5-9 are tracing logs)
  -v, --verbose    Enable verbose logging


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Sep-2024