Tiltfile Snippets
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Build a Docker image
Register an image to build with docker_build
Build an image with inline Dockerfile
Build an nginx image with provided static assets via an inline Dockerfile
Apply K8s YAML
Apply K8s YAML manifest files
Apply K8s Kustomize templates
Apply K8s manifests results from Kustomize
Apply K8s Helm templates
Apply K8s manifests results from a local Helm chart
Apply output from custom command
Run a custom command to generate YAML to apply to the cluster
Create a port-forward to a container
Set up a port-forward to a resource's default container
Configure a K8s resource
Associate a secret and a volume to a service
Create a K8s resource from existing objects
Make a new resource by grouping objects necessary for cluster setup
Create a K8s deployment
Deploy a redis server with the "deployment" extension
Create a K8s secret
Create a secret with the "secret" extension
Create a K8s configmap
Create a configmap with the "configmap" extension
Build and deploy with Docker Compose
Launch services using an existing Compose file
Deploy Docker Compose services with overrides
Layer overrides on top of an existing Compose file
Run a local Yarn command
Run Yarn every time dependencies change
Build and run a local go server
Set up a server that rebuilds/relaunches on changes
Install and run a local nodejs server
Install dependencies and start the server
Show the K8s API server logs
Create a resource to follow the K8s API server logs
Build an image for an existing K8s resource
Configure live-update and inject the image into a deployment not managed by Tilt
Build and deploy an app to K8s
Build and deploy without YAML using the "deployment" extension
Trigger a Makefile task
Execute a Makefile task on-demand with a trigger
Enable per-developer customizations
Conditionally load a local.tiltfile for additional functionality
Enforce a Kubernetes version range
Require a minimum and/or maximum version of Kubernetes for compatibility
Enforce a minimum Tilt version
Require a minimum version of Tilt for feature availability
Ensure a tool is installed locally
Check that a command exists in `PATH` or fail the Tiltfile load.
Create a socat tunnel
Expose a remote database server on a local port
Full manual control for resource
Configure a resource to only start/update when triggered via web UI (works with all resource types, e.g. k8s_resource, local_resource, and dc_resource). Suggested use case: on-demand jobs/tasks.
Ignore file changes for resource
Configure a resource to start automatically but only update if triggered manually via web UI (works with all resource types, e.g. k8s_resource, local_resource, and dc_resource). Suggested use case: required services for project that you are not actively making changes to.
Wait to launch resource until first file change
Configure a resource to not launch until the first file dependency changes after launching `tilt up` (works with all resource types, e.g. k8s_resource, local_resource, and dc_resource). Suggested use case: linters, unit tests.