Big News!  Tilt is joining Docker

Tiltfile API Reference

Tiltfiles are written in Starlark, a dialect of Python. For more information on Starlark’s built-ins, see the Starlark Spec. The rest of this page details Tiltfile-specific functionality.

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allow_k8s_contexts ( contexts )

Specifies that Tilt is allowed to run against the specified k8s context names.

To help reduce the chances you accidentally use Tilt to deploy to your production cluster, Tilt will only push to clusters that have been allowed for local development.

By default, Tilt automatically allows Minikube, Docker for Desktop, Microk8s, Red Hat CodeReady Containers, Kind, K3D, and Krucible.

To add your development cluster to the allow list, add a line in your Tiltfile:


where ‘context-name’ is the name returned by kubectl config current-context .

If your team connects to many remote dev clusters, a common approach is to disable the check entirely and add your own validation:


For more on which cluster context is right for you, see Choosing a Local Dev Cluster .


contexts ( Union [ str , List [ str ]]) – a string or list of strings, specifying one or more k8s context names that Tilt is allowed to run in. This list is in addition to the default of all known-local clusters.




allow_k8s_contexts(k8s_context()) # disable check
Return type


analytics_settings ( enable )

Overrides Tilt telemetry.

By default, Tilt does not send telemetry. After you successfully run a Tiltfile, the Tilt web UI will nudge you to opt in or opt out of telemetry.

The Tiltfile can override these telemetry settings, for teams that always want telemetry enabled or disabled.


enable ( bool ) – if true, telemetry will be turned on. If false, telemetry will be turned off.

Return type


blob ( contents )

Creates a Blob object that wraps the provided string. Useful for passing strings in to functions that expect a Blob , e.g. k8s_yaml .

Return type


ci_settings ( k8s_grace_period = '' , timeout = '' )

Configures ‘tilt ci’ mode.

  • k8s_grace_period ( str ) – Grace period given for Kubernetes resources to recover after they start failing. A duration string.

  • timeout ( str ) – Timeout for the whole CI pipeline. A duration string. Defaults to ‘30m’.

Return type


custom_build ( ref , command , deps , tag = '' , disable_push = False , skips_local_docker = False , live_update = [] , match_in_env_vars = False , ignore = [] , entrypoint = [] , command_bat_val = '' , outputs_image_ref_to = '' , command_bat = '' , image_deps = [] , env = {} , dir = '' )

Provide a custom command that will build an image.


  'docker build -t $EXPECTED_REF .',

Please read the Custom Image Builders Guide on how to use this function.

All custom build scripts build an image and put it somewhere. But there are several different patterns for where they put the image, how they compute a digest of the contents, and how they push the image to the cluster. custom_build has many options to support different combinations of each mode. The guide has some examples of common combinations.

  • ref ( str ) – name for this image (e.g. ‘myproj/backend’ or ‘myregistry/myproj/backend’). If this image will be used in a k8s resource(s), this ref must match the spec.container.image param for that resource(s).

  • command ( Union [ str , List [ str ]]) – a command that, when run in the shell, builds an image puts it in the registry as ref . In the default mode, must produce an image named $EXPECTED_REF . If a string, executed with sh -c on macOS/Linux, or cmd /S /C on Windows; if a list, will be passed to the operating system as program name and args.

  • deps ( List [ str ]) – a list of files or directories to be added as dependencies to this image. Tilt will watch those files and will rebuild the image when they change. Only accepts real paths, not file globs.

  • tag ( str ) – Some tools can’t change the image tag at runtime. They need a pre-specified tag. Tilt will set $EXPECTED_REF = image_name:tag , then re-tag it with its own tag before pushing to your cluster.

  • disable_push ( bool ) – whether Tilt should push the image in to the registry that the Kubernetes cluster has access to. Set this to true if your command handles pushing as well.

  • skips_local_docker ( bool ) – Whether your build command writes the image to your local Docker image store. Set this to true if you’re using a cloud-based builder or independent image builder like buildah .

  • live_update ( List [ LiveUpdateStep ]) –

    set of steps for updating a running container (see Live Update documentation ).

  • match_in_env_vars ( bool ) – specifies that k8s objects can reference this image in their environment variables, and Tilt will handle those variables the same as it usually handles a k8s container spec’s image s.

  • ignore ( Union [ str , List [ str ]]) – set of file patterns that will be ignored. Ignored files will not trigger builds and will not be included in images. Follows the dockerignore syntax . Patterns/filepaths will be evaluated relative to each dep (e.g. if you specify deps=['dep1', 'dep2'] and ignores=['foobar'] , Tilt will ignore both deps1/foobar and dep2/foobar ).

  • entrypoint ( Union [ str , List [ str ]]) – command to run when this container starts. Takes precedence over the container’s CMD or ENTRYPOINT , and over a container command specified in k8s YAML . If specified as a string, will be evaluated in a shell context (e.g. entrypoint=" bar" will be executed in the container as /bin/sh -c ' bar' ); if specified as a list, will be passed to the operating system as program name and args. Kubernetes-only.

  • command_bat_val ( str ) – Deprecated, use command_bat.

  • outputs_image_ref_to ( str ) – Specifies a file path. When set, the custom build command must write a content-based tagged image ref to this file. Tilt will read that file after the cmd runs to get the image ref, and inject that image ref into the YAML. For more on content-based tags, see why tilt uses immutable tags

  • command_bat ( Union [ str , List [ str ]]) – If non-empty and on Windows, takes precedence over command . Ignored on other platforms. If a string, executed as a Windows batch command executed with cmd /S /C ; if a list, will be passed to the operating system as program name and args.

  • image_deps ( List [ str ]) –

    a list of image builds that this deploy depends on. The tagged image names will be injected into the environment of the the custom build command in the form:

    TILT_IMAGE_i - The reference to the image #i (0-based) from the point of view of the local host.

    TILT_IMAGE_MAP_i - The name of the image map #i (0-based) with the current status of the image.

  • env ( Dict [ str , str ]) – Environment variables to pass to the executed command . Values specified here will override any variables passed to the Tilt parent process.

  • dir ( str ) – Working directory of the executed command . Defaults to the Tiltfile directory.

dc_resource ( name , trigger_mode = TRIGGER_MODE_AUTO , resource_deps = [] , links = [] , labels = [] , auto_init = True , project_name = '' , new_name = '' , infer_links = True )

Configures the Docker Compose resource of the given name. Note: Tilt does an amount of resource configuration for you(for more info, see Tiltfile Concepts: Resources ); you only need to invoke this function if you want to configure your resource beyond what Tilt does automatically.

  • name ( str ) – The name of the resource in the docker-compose yaml.

  • trigger_mode ( TriggerMode ) – one of TRIGGER_MODE_AUTO or TRIGGER_MODE_MANUAL . For more info, see the Manual Update Control docs .

  • resource_deps ( List [ str ]) – a list of resources on which this resource depends. See the Resource Dependencies docs .

  • links ( Union [ str , Link , List [ Union [ str , Link ]]]) – one or more links to be associated with this resource in the UI. For more info, see Accessing Resource Endpoints .

  • labels ( Union [ str , List [ str ]]) – used to group resources in the Web UI, (e.g. you want all frontend services displayed together, while test and backend services are displayed separately). A label must start and end with an alphanumeric character, can include _ , - , and . , and must be 63 characters or less. For an example, see Resource Grouping .

  • auto_init ( bool ) –

    whether this resource runs on tilt up . Defaults to True . For more info, see the Manual Update Control docs .

  • project_name ( str ) – The Docker Compose project name to match the corresponding project loaded by docker_compose , if necessary for disambiguation.

  • new_name ( str ) – If non-empty, will be used as the new name for this resource.

  • infer_links ( bool ) – whether to include the default localhost links. Defaults to True . If False , only links explicitly provided via the links argument will be displayed.

Return type


decode_json ( json )

Deserializes the given JSON into a starlark object


json ( Union [ str , Blob ]) – the JSON to deserialize

Return type

Union [ Dict [ str , Any ], List [ Any ]]

decode_yaml ( yaml )

Deserializes the given yaml document into a starlark object


yaml ( Union [ str , Blob ]) – the yaml to deserialize

Return type

Union [ Dict [ str , Any ], List [ Any ]]

decode_yaml_stream ( yaml )

Deserializes the given yaml stream (i.e., any number of yaml documents, separated by "\n---\n" ) into a list of starlark objects.


yaml ( Union [ str , Blob ]) – the yaml to deserialize

Return type

List [ Union [ Dict [ str , Any ], List [ Any ]]]

default_registry ( host , host_from_cluster = None , single_name = '' )

Specifies that any images that Tilt builds should be renamed so that they have the specified Docker registry.

This is useful if, e.g., a repo is configured to push to Google Container Registry, but you want to use Elastic Container Registry instead, without having to edit a bunch of configs. For example, default_registry("") would cause to be rewritten to

For more info, see our Using a Personal Registry Guide .

  • host ( str ) – host of the registry that all built images should be renamed to use.

  • host_from_cluster ( Optional [ str ]) – registry host to use when referencing images from inside the cluster (i.e. in Kubernetes YAML). Only include this arg if it is different from host . For more on this use case, see this guide .

  • single_name ( str ) – In ECR, each repository in a registry needs to be created up-front. single_name lets you set a single repository to push to (e.g., a personal dev repository), and embeds the image name in the tag instead.

Images are renamed following these rules:

  1. Replace / and @ with _ .

  2. Prepend the value of host and a / .

e.g., with default_registry('') , an image called user-service becomes .

Return type


disable_snapshots ( )

Disables Tilt’s snapshots feature, hiding it from the UI.

This is intended for use in projects where there might be some kind of data policy that does not allow developers to upload snapshots to TiltCloud.

Note that this directive does not provide any real security, since a developer can always simply edit it out of the Tiltfile, but it at least ensures a pretty high bar of intent.

Return type


docker_build ( ref , context , build_args = {} , dockerfile = 'Dockerfile' , dockerfile_contents = '' , live_update = [] , match_in_env_vars = False , ignore = [] , only = [] , entrypoint = [] , target = '' , ssh = '' , network = '' , secret = '' , extra_tag = '' , container_args = None , cache_from = [] , pull = False , platform = '' , extra_hosts = [] )

Builds a docker image.

The invocation

docker_build('myregistry/myproj/backend', '/path/to/code')

is roughly equivalent to the shell call

docker build /path/to/code -t myregistry/myproj/backend

For more information on the ignore and only parameters, see our Guide to File Changes .

Note that you can’t set both the dockerfile and dockerfile_contents arguments (will throw an error).

Note also that the entrypoint parameter is not supported for Docker Compose resources.

When using Docker Compose, Tilt expects the image build to be either managed by your Docker Compose file (via the build key) OR by Tilt’s docker_build() , but not both. (Follow this GitHub issue to be notified of changes to this expectation.)

Finally, Tilt will put the image in a place where the target runtime can access it. Tilt will make a best effort to detect what kind of runtime you’re using (Docker Compose, Kind, GKE, etc), and pick the best strategy for getting the image into it fast. See for more info.

  • ref ( str ) – name for this image (e.g. ‘myproj/backend’ or ‘myregistry/myproj/backend’). If this image will be used in a k8s resource(s), this ref must match the spec.container.image param for that resource(s).

  • context ( str ) – path to use as the Docker build context.

  • build_args ( Dict [ str , str ]) – build-time variables that are accessed like regular environment variables in the RUN instruction of the Dockerfile. See the Docker Build Arg documentation .

  • dockerfile ( str ) – path to the Dockerfile to build.

  • dockerfile_contents ( Union [ str , Blob ]) – raw contents of the Dockerfile to use for this build.

  • live_update ( List [ LiveUpdateStep ]) –

    set of steps for updating a running container (see Live Update documentation ).

  • match_in_env_vars ( bool ) – specifies that k8s objects can reference this image in their environment variables, and Tilt will handle those variables the same as it usually handles a k8s container spec’s image s.

  • ignore ( Union [ str , List [ str ]]) –

    set of file patterns that will be ignored, in addition to .git directory that’s ignored by default . Ignored files will not trigger builds and will not be included in images. Follows the dockerignore syntax . Patterns will be evaluated relative to the context parameter.

  • only ( Union [ str , List [ str ]]) – set of file paths that should be considered for the build. All other changes will not trigger a build and will not be included in images. Inverse of ignore parameter. Only accepts real paths, not file globs. Patterns will be evaluated relative to the context parameter.

  • entrypoint ( Union [ str , List [ str ]]) –

    command to run when this container starts. Takes precedence over the container’s CMD or ENTRYPOINT , and over a container command specified in k8s YAML . If specified as a string, will be evaluated in a shell context (e.g. entrypoint=" bar" will be executed in the container as /bin/sh -c ' bar' ); if specified as a list, will be passed to the operating system as program name and args.

  • target ( str ) – Specify a build stage in the Dockerfile. Equivalent to the docker build --target flag.

  • ssh ( Union [ str , List [ str ]]) – Include SSH secrets in your build. Use ssh=’default’ to clone private repositories inside a Dockerfile. Uses the syntax in the docker build –ssh flag .

  • network ( str ) – Set the networking mode for RUN instructions. Equivalent to the docker build --network flag.

  • secret ( Union [ str , List [ str ]]) – Include secrets in your build in a way that won’t show up in the image. Uses the same syntax as the docker build –secret flag .

  • extra_tag ( Union [ str , List [ str ]]) – Tag an image with one or more extra references after each build. Useful when running Tilt in a CI pipeline, where you want each image to be tagged with the pipeline ID so you can find it later. Uses the same syntax as the docker build --tag flag.

  • container_args ( Optional [ List [ str ]]) – args to run when this container starts. Takes precedence over a container args specified in k8s YAML .

  • cache_from ( Union [ str , List [ str ]]) – Cache image builds from a remote registry. Uses the same syntax as docker build –cache-from flag .

  • pull ( bool ) – Force pull the latest version of parent images. Equivalent to the docker build --pull flag.

  • platform ( str ) – Target platform for build (e.g. linux/amd64 ). Defaults to the value of the DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM environment variable. Equivalent to the docker build --platform flag.

  • extra_hosts ( Union [ str , List [ str ]]) – Add a custom host-to-IP mapping (host:ip). Equivalent to the docker build --add-host flag.

Return type


docker_compose ( configPaths , env_file = None , project_name = '' , profiles = [] , wait = False )

Run containers with Docker Compose.

Tilt will read your Docker Compose YAML and separate out the services. We will infer which services defined in your YAML correspond to images defined elsewhere in your Tiltfile (matching based on the DockerImage ref).

You can set up Docker Compose with a path to a file, a Blob containing Compose YAML, or a list of paths and/or Blobs.

Tilt will watch your Docker Compose YAML and reload if it changes.

For more info, see the guide to Tilt with Docker Compose .


# Path to file

# List of files
docker_compose(['./docker-compose.yml', './docker-compose.override.yml'])

# Inline compose definition
services = {'redis': {'image': 'redis', 'ports': '6379:6379'}}
docker_compose(encode_yaml({'services': services}))

# File with inline override
services = {'app': {'environment': {'DEBUG': 'true'}}}
docker_compose(['docker-compose.yml', encode_yaml({'services': services})])
  • configPaths ( Union [ str , Blob , List [ Union [ str , Blob ]]]) – Path(s) and/or Blob(s) to Docker Compose yaml files or content.

  • env_file ( Optional [ str ]) – Path to env file to use; defaults to .env in current directory.

  • project_name ( str ) – The Docker Compose project name. If unspecified, uses either the name of the directory containing the first compose file, or, in the case of inline YAML, the current Tiltfile’s directory name.

  • profiles ( Union [ str , List [ str ]]) – List of Docker Compose profiles to use.

  • wait – If True , append –wait to docker compose up command. Defaults to False .

Return type


docker_prune_settings ( disable = False , max_age_mins = 360 , num_builds = 0 , interval_hrs = 1 , keep_recent = 2 )

Configures Tilt’s Docker Pruner, which runs occasionally in the background and prunes Docker images associated with your current project.

The pruner runs soon after startup (as soon as at least some resources are declared, and there are no pending builds). Subsequently, it runs after every num_builds Docker builds, or, if num_builds is not set, every interval_hrs hours.

The pruner will prune:
  • stopped containers built by Tilt that are at least max_age_mins mins old

  • images built by Tilt and associated with this Tilt run that are at least max_age_mins mins old, and not in the keep_recent most recent builds for that image name

  • dangling build caches that are at least max_age_mins mins old

  • disable ( bool ) – if true, disable the Docker Pruner

  • max_age_mins ( int ) – maximum age, in minutes, of images/containers to retain. Defaults to 360 mins., i.e. 6 hours

  • num_builds ( int ) – number of Docker builds after which to run a prune. (If unset, the pruner instead runs every interval_hrs hours)

  • interval_hrs ( int ) – run a Docker Prune every interval_hrs hours (unless num_builds is set, in which case use the “prune every X builds” logic). Defaults to 1 hour

  • keep_recent ( int ) – when pruning, retain at least the keep_recent most recent images for each image name. Defaults to 2

Return type


enable_feature ( feature_name )

Configures Tilt to enable non-default features (e.g., experimental or deprecated).

The Tilt features controlled by this are generally in an unfinished state, and not yet documented.

As a Tiltfile author, you don’t need to worry about this function unless something else directs you to (e.g., an experimental feature doc, or a conversation with a Tilt contributor).

As a Tiltfile reader, you can probably ignore this, or you can ask the person who added it to the Tiltfile what it’s doing there.


feature_name ( str ) – name of the feature to enable

Return type


encode_json ( obj )

Serializes the given starlark object into JSON.

Only supports maps with string keys, lists, strings, ints, and bools.


obj ( Union [ Dict [ str , Any ], List [ Any ]]) – the object to serialize

Return type


encode_yaml ( obj )

Serializes the given starlark object into YAML.

Only supports maps with string keys, lists, strings, ints, and bools.


obj ( Union [ Dict [ str , Any ], List [ Any ]]) – the object to serialize

Return type


encode_yaml_stream ( objs )

Serializes the given starlark objects into a YAML stream (i.e., multiple YAML documents, separated by "\n---\n" ).

Only supports maps with string keys, lists, strings, ints, and bools.


objs ( List [ Union [ Dict [ str , Any ], List [ Any ]]]) – the object to serialize

Return type


exec_action ( command )

Creates an ExecAction for use with a Probe that runs a command to determine service readiness based on exit code.

The probe is successful if the process terminates normally with an exit code of 0 within the timeout.


command ( List [ str ]) – Command with arguments to execute.

Return type


exit ( code )

Stops Tiltfile execution without an error.

Can be used anywhere in a Tiltfile. If used in a loaded Tiltfile or extension, execution will be stopped up to and including the root Tiltfile.

Requires Tilt v0.22.3+.

See fail() to stop execution immediately and propagate an error.


code ( Any ) – Message or object (will be stringified) to log before halting execution.

Return type


fail ( msg )

Stops Tiltfile execution and raises an error.

Can be used anywhere in a Tiltfile. If used in a loaded Tiltfile or extension, execution will be stopped up to and including the root Tiltfile.

See exit() to stop execution immediately without triggering an error.


msg ( str ) – Error message.

Return type


fall_back_on ( files )

Specify that any changes to the given files will cause Tilt to fall back to a full image build (rather than performing a live update).

fall_back_on step(s) may only go at the beginning of your list of steps.

(Files must be a subset of the files that we’re already watching for this image; that is, if any files fall outside of DockerBuild.context or CustomBuild.deps, an error will be raised.)

For more info, see the Live Update Reference .


files ( Union [ str , List [ str ]]) – a string or list of strings of files. If relative, will be evaluated relative to the Tiltfile. Tilt compares these to the local paths of edited files when determining whether to fall back to a full image build.

Return type


filter_yaml ( yaml , labels = None , name = None , namespace = None , kind = None , api_version = None )

Call this with a path to a file that contains YAML, or with a Blob of YAML. (E.g. it can be called on the output of kustomize or helm .)

Captures the YAML entities that meet the filter criteria and returns them as a blob; returns the non-matching YAML as the second return value.

For example, if you have a file of all your YAML, but only want to pass a few elements to Tilt:

# extract all YAMLs matching labels "app=foobar"
foobar_yaml, rest = filter_yaml('all.yaml', labels={'app': 'foobar'})

# extract YAMLs of kind "deployment" with regex-matching "baz", also matching "bazzoo" and "bar-baz"
baz_yaml, rest = filter_yaml(rest, name='baz', kind='deployment')

# extract YAMLs of kind "deployment" exactly matching "foo"
foo_yaml, rest = filter_yaml(rest, name='^foo$', kind='deployment')
  • yaml ( Union [ str , List [ str ], Blob ]) – Path(s) to YAML, or YAML as a Blob .

  • labels ( Optional [ dict ]) – return only entities matching these labels. (Matching entities must satisfy all of the specified label constraints, though they may have additional labels as well: see the Kubernetes docs for more info.)

  • name ( Optional [ str ]) – Case-insensitive regexp specifying the property of entities to match

  • namespace ( Optional [ str ]) – Case-insensitive regexp specifying the metadata.namespace property of entities to match

  • kind ( Optional [ str ]) – Case-insensitive regexp specifying the kind of entities to match (e.g. “Service”, “Deployment”, etc.).

  • api_version ( Optional [ str ]) – Case-insensitive regexp specifying the apiVersion for kind , (e.g., “apps/v1”)


2-element tuple containing

  • matching ( Blob ): blob of YAML entities matching given filters

  • rest ( Blob ): the rest of the YAML entities

helm ( pathToChartDir , name = '' , namespace = '' , values = [] , set = [] , kube_version = '' , skip_crds = False )

Run helm template on a given directory that contains a chart and return the fully rendered YAML as a Blob Chart directory is watched (See watch_file ).

For more examples, see the Helm Cookbook .

  • pathToChartDir ( str ) – Path to the directory locally (absolute, or relative to the location of the Tiltfile).

  • name ( str ) – The release name. Equivalent to the helm –name flag

  • namespace ( str ) – The namespace to deploy the chart to. Equivalent to the helm –namespace flag

  • values ( Union [ str , List [ str ]]) – Specify one or more values files (in addition to the values.yaml file in the chart). Equivalent to the Helm --values or -f flags ( see docs ).

  • set ( Union [ str , List [ str ]]) – Specify one or more values. Equivalent to the Helm --set flag.

  • kube_version ( str ) – Specify for which kubernetes version template will be generated. Equivalent to the Helm --kube-version flag.

  • skip_crds ( bool ) – If set, no CRDs will be installed. By default, CRDs are installed.

Return type


http_get_action ( port , host = 'localhost' , scheme = 'http' , path = '' )

Creates a HTTPGetAction for use with a Probe that performs an HTTP GET request to determine service readiness based on response status code.

The probe is successful if a valid HTTP response is received within the timeout and has a status code >= 200 and < 400.

  • host ( str ) – Hostname to use for HTTP request.

  • port ( int ) – Port to use for HTTP request.

  • scheme ( str ) – URI scheme to use for HTTP request, valid values are http and https .

  • path ( str ) – URI path for HTTP request.

Return type


include ( path )

Execute another Tiltfile.

Discouraged. Please use load() or load_dynamic() .


k8s_context ( )

Returns the name of the Kubernetes context Tilt is connecting to.


if k8s_context() == 'prod':
  fail("failing early to avoid overwriting prod")
Return type


k8s_custom_deploy ( name , apply_cmd , delete_cmd , deps , image_selector = '' , live_update = [] , apply_dir = '' , apply_env = {} , apply_cmd_bat = '' , delete_dir = '' , delete_env = {} , delete_cmd_bat = '' , container_selector = '' , image_deps = [] )

Deploy resources to Kubernetes using a custom command.

For deployment tools that cannot output templated YAML for use with k8s_yaml() or need to perform additional work as part of deployment, k8s_custom_deploy enables integration with Tilt.

The apply_cmd will be run whenever a path from deps changes and should output the YAML of the objects it applied to the Kubernetes cluster to stdout. Tilt will track workload status and stream pod logs based on this result.

The delete_cmd is run on tilt down so that the tool can clean up any objects it created in the cluster as well as any state of its own.

Both apply_cmd and delete_cmd MUST be idempotent. For example, it’s possible that some objects might already exist when the apply_cmd is invoked, and objects might have already been deleted before delete_cmd is invoked. The apply_cmd should have similar semantics to kubectl apply and the delete_cmd should behave similar to kubectl delete --ignore-not-found .

Port forwards and other behavior can be configured using k8s_resource() using the name as specified here.

If live_update rules are specified, exactly one of image_selector or container_selector must be specified to determine which container(s) are eligible for in-place updates. image_selector will match containers based on an image reference, while container_selector will match a single container by name.

  • name ( str ) – resource name to use in Tilt UI and for further customization via k8s_resource()

  • apply_cmd ( Union [ str , List [ str ]]) – command that deploys objects to the Kubernetes cluster. If a string, executed with sh -c on macOS/Linux, or cmd /S /C on Windows; if a list, will be passed to the operating system as program name and args.

  • delete_cmd ( Union [ str , List [ str ]]) – command that deletes objects in the Kubernetes cluster. If a string, executed with sh -c on macOS/Linux, or cmd /S /C on Windows; if a list, will be passed to the operating system as program name and args.

  • deps ( Union [ str , List [ str ]]) – paths to watch and trigger a re-apply on change

  • image_selector ( str ) – image reference to determine containers eligible for Live Update

  • live_update ( List [ LiveUpdateStep ]) –

    set of steps for updating a running container (see Live Update documentation ).

  • apply_dir ( str ) – working directory for apply_cmd

  • apply_env ( Dict [ str , str ]) – environment variables for apply_cmd

  • apply_cmd_bat ( Union [ str , List [ str ]]) – If non-empty and on Windows, takes precedence over apply_cmd . Ignored on other platforms. If a string, executed as a Windows batch command executed with cmd /S /C ; if a list, will be passed to the operating system as program name and args.

  • delete_dir ( str ) – working directory for delete_cmd

  • delete_env ( Dict [ str , str ]) – environment variables for delete_cmd

  • delete_cmd_bat ( Union [ str , List [ str ]]) – If non-empty and on Windows, takes precedence over delete_cmd . Ignored on other platforms. If a string, executed as a Windows batch command executed with cmd /S /C ; if a list, will be passed to the operating system as program name and args.

  • container_selector ( str ) – container name to determine container for Live Update

  • image_deps ( List [ str ]) –

    a list of image builds that this deploy depends on. The tagged image names will be injected into the environment of the the apply command in the form:

    TILT_IMAGE_i - The reference to the image #i (0-based) from the point of view of the cluster container runtime.

    TILT_IMAGE_MAP_i - The name of the image map #i (0-based) with the current status of the image.

Return type


k8s_kind ( kind , api_version = None , * , image_json_path = [] , image_object_json_path = None , pod_readiness = '' )

Tells Tilt about a k8s kind.

For CRDs that use images built by Tilt: call this with image_json_path or image_object to tell Tilt where in the CRD’s spec the image is specified.

For CRDs that do not use images built by Tilt, but have pods you want in a Tilt resource: call this without image_json_path , simply to specify that this type is a Tilt workload. Then call k8s_resource() with extra_pod_selectors to specify which pods Tilt should associate with this resource.

(Note the * in the signature means image_json_path must be passed as a keyword, e.g., image_json_path=”{.spec.image}” )


# Fission has a CRD named "Environment"
k8s_kind('Environment', image_json_path='{.spec.runtime.image}')

Here’s an example that specifies the image location in a UselessMachine Custom Resource .

  • kind ( str ) – Case-insensitive regexp specifying he value of the kind field in the k8s object definition (e.g., “Deployment” )

  • api_version ( Optional [ str ]) – Case-insensitive regexp specifying the apiVersion for kind , (e.g., “apps/v1”)

  • image_json_path ( Union [ str , List [ str ]]) – Either a string or a list of string containing json path(s) within that kind’s definition specifying images deployed with k8s objects of that type. This uses the k8s json path template syntax, described here .

  • image_object – A specifier of the form image_object={‘json_path’: ‘{}’, ‘repo_field’: ‘repo’, ‘tag_field’: ‘tag’} . Used to tell Tilt how to inject images into Custom Resources that express the image repo and tag as separate fields.

  • pod_readiness ( str ) – Possible values: ‘ignore’, ‘wait’. Controls whether Tilt waits for pods to be ready before the resource is considered healthy (and dependencies can start building). By default, Tilt will wait for pods to be ready if it thinks a resource has pods. This can be overridden on a resource-by-resource basis by the k8s_resource function.

k8s_namespace ( )

Returns the name of the Kubernetes namespace Tilt is connecting to.


if k8s_namespace() == 'default':
  fail("failing early to avoid deploying to 'default' namespace")
Return type


k8s_resource ( workload = '' , new_name = '' , port_forwards = [] , extra_pod_selectors = [] , trigger_mode = TRIGGER_MODE_AUTO , resource_deps = [] , objects = [] , auto_init = True , pod_readiness = '' , links = [] , labels = [] , discovery_strategy = '' )

Configures or creates the specified Kubernetes resource.

A “resource” is a bundle of work managed by Tilt: a Kubernetes resource consists of one or more Kubernetes objects to deploy, and zero or more image build directives for the images referenced therein.

Tilt assembles Kubernetes resources automatically, as described in Tiltfile Concepts: Resources . You may call k8s_resource to configure an automatically created Kubernetes resource, or to create and configure a new one:

  • If configuring an automatically created resource: the workload parameter must be specified.

  • If creating a new resource: both the objects and new_name parameters must be specified.

Calling k8s_resource is optional ; you can use this function to configure port forwarding for your resource, to rename it, or to adjust any of the other settings specified below, but in many cases, Tilt’s default behavior is sufficient.


# load Deployment foo

# modify the resource called "foo" (auto-assembled by Tilt)
# to forward container port 8080 to localhost:8080
k8s_resource(workload='foo', port_forwards=8080)
# load CRD "bar", Service "bar", and Secret "bar-password"

# create a new resource called "bar" which contains the objects
# loaded above (none of which are workloads, so none of which
# would be automatically assigned to a resource). Note that the
# first two object selectors specify both 'name' and 'kind',
# since just the string "bar" does not uniquely specify a single object.
# As the object name "bar-password" is unique, "bar-password" suffices as
# an object selector (though a more more qualified object selector
# like "bar-password:secret" or "bar-password:secret:default" would
# be accepted as well).
  objects=['bar:crd', 'bar:service', 'bar-password'],

For more examples, see Tiltfile Concepts: Resources .

  • workload ( str ) – The name of an existing auto-assembled resource to configure (Tilt generates resource names when it assembles resources by workload ). (If you instead want to create/configure a _new_ resource, use the objects parameter in conjunction with new_name .)

  • new_name ( str ) – If non-empty, will be used as the new name for this resource. (To programmatically rename all resources, see workload_to_resource_function() .)

  • port_forwards ( Union [ str , int , PortForward , List [ Union [ str , int , PortForward ]]]) –

    Host port to connect to the pod. Takes 3 forms:

    '9000' (port only) - Connect localhost:9000 to the container’s port 9000, if it is exposed. Otherwise connect to the container’s default port.

    '9000:8000' (host port to container port) - Connect localhost:9000 to the container port 8000).

    'elastic.local:9200:8000' (host address to container port) - Bind elasticsearch:9200 on the host to container port 8000. You will also need to update /etc/host to make ‘elastic.local’ point to localhost.

    Multiple port forwards can be specified (e.g., ['9000:8000', '9001:8001'] ). The string-based syntax is sugar over the more explicit port_forward(9000, 8000) .

  • extra_pod_selectors ( Union [ Dict [ str , str ], List [ Dict [ str , str ]]]) – In addition to relying on Tilt’s heuristics to automatically find Kubernetes resources associated with this resource, a user may specify extra labelsets to force pods to be associated with this resource. An pod will be associated with this resource if it has all of the labels in at least one of the entries specified (but still also if it meets any of Tilt’s usual mechanisms).

  • trigger_mode ( TriggerMode ) –

    One of TRIGGER_MODE_AUTO or TRIGGER_MODE_MANUAL . For more info, see the Manual Update Control docs .

  • resource_deps ( List [ str ]) –

    A list of resources on which this resource depends. See the Resource Dependencies docs .

  • objects ( List [ str ]) – A list of Kubernetes objects to be added to this resource, specified via Tilt’s Kubernetes Object Selector syntax. If the workload parameter is specified, these objects will be added to the existing resource; otherwise, these objects will form a new resource with name new_name . If an object selector matches more than one Kubernetes object, or matches an object already associated with a resource, k8s_resource raises an error.

  • auto_init ( bool ) –

    whether this resource runs on tilt up . Defaults to True . For more info, see the Manual Update Control docs .

  • pod_readiness ( str ) – Possible values: ‘ignore’, ‘wait’. Controls whether Tilt waits for pods to be ready before the resource is considered healthy (and dependencies can start building). By default, Tilt will wait for pods to be ready if it thinks a resource has pods.

  • links ( Union [ str , Link , List [ Union [ str , Link ]]]) –

    one or more links to be associated with this resource in the UI. For more info, see Accessing Resource Endpoints .

  • labels ( Union [ str , List [ str ]]) –

    used to group resources in the Web UI, (e.g. you want all frontend services displayed together, while test and backend services are displayed separately). A label must start and end with an alphanumeric character, can include _ , - , and . , and must be 63 characters or less. For an example, see Resource Grouping .

  • discovery_strategy ( str ) – Possible values: ‘’, ‘default’, ‘selectors-only’. When ‘’ or ‘default’, Tilt both uses extra_pod_selectors and traces k8s owner references to identify this resource’s pods. When ‘selectors-only’, Tilt uses only extra_pod_selectors .

Return type


k8s_yaml ( yaml , allow_duplicates = False )

Call this with a path to a file that contains YAML, or with a Blob of YAML.

We will infer what (if any) of the k8s resources defined in your YAML correspond to Images defined elsewhere in your Tiltfile (matching based on the DockerImage ref and on pod selectors). Any remaining YAML is YAML that Tilt applies to your k8s cluster independently.

Any YAML files are watched (See watch_file ).


# path to file

# list of paths
k8s_yaml(['foo.yaml', 'bar.yaml'])

# Blob, i.e. `local` output (in this case, script output)
templated_yaml = local('./')
  • yaml ( Union [ str , List [ str ], Blob ]) – Path(s) to YAML, or YAML as a Blob .

  • allow_duplicates ( bool ) – If you try to register the same Kubernetes resource twice, this function will assume this is a mistake and emit an error. Set allow_duplicates=True to allow duplicates. There are some Helm charts that have duplicate resources for esoteric reasons.

Return type


kustomize ( pathToDir , kustomize_bin = None , flags = [] )

Run kustomize on a given directory and return the resulting YAML as a Blob Directory is watched (see watch_file ). Checks for and uses separately installed kustomize first, if it exists. Otherwise, uses kubectl’s kustomize. See blog post .

  • pathToDir ( str ) – Path to the directory locally (absolute, or relative to the location of the Tiltfile).

  • kustomize_bin ( Optional [ str ]) – Custom path to the kustomize binary executable. Defaults to searching $PATH for kustomize.

  • flags ( List [ str ]) – Additional flags to pass to kustomize build

Return type


Creates a Link object that describes a link associated with a resource.

  • url ( str ) – the URL to link to

  • name ( str , optional ) – the name of the link. If provided, this will be the text of this URL when displayed in the Web UI. This parameter can be useful for disambiguating between multiple links on a single resource, e.g. naming one link “App” and one “Debugger.” If not given, the Web UI displays the URL itself (e.g. “localhost:8888”).

Return type


listdir ( directory , recursive = False )

Returns all the files of the provided directory.

If recursive is set to True , the directory’s contents will be recursively watched, and a change to any file will trigger a re-execution of the Tiltfile.

This function returns absolute paths. Subdirectory names are not returned.

  • directory ( str ) – Path to the directory locally (absolute, or relative to the location of the Tiltfile).

  • recursive ( bool ) – Walk the given directory tree recursively and return all files in it; additionally, recursively watch for changes in the directory tree.

Return type

List [ str ]

load ( path , * args )

Execute another Tiltfile, and import the named variables into the current scope.

Used when you want to define common functions or constants to share across Tiltfiles.


load('./lib/Tiltfile', 'create_namespace')

A Tiltfile may only be executed once. If a Tiltfile is loaded multiple times, the second load will use the results of the last execution.

If path starts with "ext://" the path will be treated as a Tilt Extension .


load('ext://hello_world', 'hi') # Resolves to
hi() # prints "Hello world!"

Note that load() is a language built-in. Read the specification for its complete syntax.

Because load() is analyzed at compile-time, the first argument MUST be a string literal.

load_dynamic ( path )

Execute another Tiltfile, and return a dict of the global variables it creates.

Used when you want to define common functions or constants to share across Tiltfiles.


symbols = load_dynamic('./lib/Tiltfile')
create_namespace = symbols['create_namespace']

Like load() , each Tiltfile will only be executed once. Can also be used to load a Tilt Extension .

Because load_dynamic() is executed at run-time, you can use it to do meta-programming that you cannot do with load() (like determine which file to load by running a script first). But you need to unpack the variables yourself - you don’t get the nice syntactic sugar of binding local variables.

Return type

Dict [ str , Any ]

local ( command , quiet = False , command_bat = '' , echo_off = False , env = {} , dir = '' , stdin = None )

Runs a command on the host machine, waits for it to finish, and returns its stdout as a Blob

  • command ( Union [ str , List [ str ]]) – Command to run. If a string, executed with sh -c on macOS/Linux, or cmd /S /C on Windows; if a list, will be passed to the operating system as program name and args.

  • quiet ( bool ) – If set to True, skips printing output to log.

  • command_bat ( Union [ str , List [ str ]]) – If non-empty and on Windows, takes precedence over command . Ignored on other platforms. If a string, executed as a Windows batch command executed with cmd /S /C ; if a list, will be passed to the operating system as program name and args.

  • echo_off ( bool ) – If set to True, skips printing command to log.

  • env ( Dict [ str , str ]) – Environment variables to pass to the executed command . Values specified here will override any variables passed to the Tilt parent process.

  • dir ( str ) – Working directory for command . Defaults to the Tiltfile’s location.

  • stdin ( Union [ str , Blob , None ]) – If not None , will be written to command ’s stdin.

Return type


local_resource ( name , cmd , deps = None , trigger_mode = TRIGGER_MODE_AUTO , resource_deps = [] , ignore = [] , auto_init = True , serve_cmd = '' , cmd_bat = '' , serve_cmd_bat = '' , allow_parallel = False , links = [] , labels = [] , env = {} , serve_env = {} , readiness_probe = None , dir = '' , serve_dir = '' )

Configures one or more commands to run on the host machine (not in a remote cluster).

By default, Tilt performs an update on local resources on tilt up and whenever any of their deps change.

When Tilt performs an update on a local resource:

  • if cmd is non-empty, it is executed

  • if cmd succeeds: - Tilt kills any extant serve_cmd process from previous updates of this resource - if serve_cmd is non-empty, it is executed

For more info, see the Local Resource docs .

  • name ( str ) – will be used as the new name for this resource

  • cmd ( Union [ str , List [ str ]]) – command to be executed on host machine. If a string, executed with sh -c on macOS/Linux, or cmd /S /C on Windows; if a list, will be passed to the operating system as program name and args.

  • deps ( Union [ str , List [ str ], None ]) – a list of files or directories to be added as dependencies to this cmd. Tilt will watch those files and will run the cmd when they change. Only accepts real paths, not file globs.

  • trigger_mode ( TriggerMode ) –

    one of TRIGGER_MODE_AUTO or TRIGGER_MODE_MANUAL . For more info, see the Manual Update Control docs .

  • resource_deps ( List [ str ]) –

    a list of resources on which this resource depends. See the Resource Dependencies docs .

  • ignore ( Union [ str , List [ str ]]) –

    set of file patterns that will be ignored. Ignored files will not trigger runs. Follows the dockerignore syntax . Patterns will be evaluated relative to the Tiltfile.

  • auto_init ( bool ) –

    whether this resource runs on tilt up . Defaults to True . For more info, see the Manual Update Control docs .

  • serve_cmd ( Union [ str , List [ str ]]) – Tilt will run this command on update and expect it to not exit. If a string, executed with sh -c on macOS/Linux, or cmd /S /C on Windows; if a list, will be passed to the operating system as program name and args.

  • cmd_bat ( Union [ str , List [ str ]]) – If non-empty and on Windows, takes precedence over cmd . Ignored on other platforms. If a string, executed as a Windows batch command executed with cmd /S /C ; if a list, will be passed to the operating system as program name and args.

  • serve_cmd_bat ( Union [ str , List [ str ]]) – If non-empty and on Windows, takes precedence over serve_cmd . Ignored on other platforms. If a string, executed as a Windows batch command executed with cmd /S /C ; if a list, will be passed to the operating system as program name and args.

  • allow_parallel ( bool ) – By default, all local resources are presumed unsafe to run in parallel, due to race conditions around modifying a shared file system. Set to True to allow them to run in parallel.

  • links ( Union [ str , Link , List [ Union [ str , Link ]]]) – one or more links to be associated with this resource in the Web UI (e.g. perhaps you have a “reset database” workflow and want to attach a link to the database web console). Provide one or more strings (the URLs to link to) or Link objects.

  • labels ( List [ str ]) –

    used to group resources in the Web UI, (e.g. you want all frontend services displayed together, while test and backend services are displayed separately). A label must start and end with an alphanumeric character, can include _ , - , and . , and must be 63 characters or less. For an example, see Resource Grouping .

  • env ( Dict [ str , str ]) – Environment variables to pass to the executed cmd . Values specified here will override any variables passed to the Tilt parent process.

  • serve_env ( Dict [ str , str ]) – Environment variables to pass to the executed serve_cmd . Values specified here will override any variables passed to the Tilt parent process.

  • readiness_probe ( Optional [ Probe ]) – Optional readiness probe to use for determining serve_cmd health state. Fore more info, see the probe() function.

  • dir ( str ) – Working directory for cmd . Defaults to the Tiltfile directory.

  • serve_dir ( str ) – Working directory for serve_cmd . Defaults to the Tiltfile directory.

Return type


port_forward ( local_port , container_port = None , name = None , link_path = None , host = None )

Creates a PortForward object specifying how to set up and display a Kubernetes port forward.

By default, the host for a port-forward is localhost . This can be changed with the --host flag when invoking Tilt via the CLI.

  • local_port ( int ) – the local port to forward traffic to.

  • container_port ( int , optional ) – if provided, the container port to forward traffic from . If not provided, Tilt will forward traffic from local_port , if exposed, and otherwise, from the first default container port. E.g.: PortForward(1111) forwards traffic from container port 1111 (if exposed; otherwise first default container port) to localhost:1111 .

  • name ( str , optional ) – the name of the link. If provided, this will be text of this URL when displayed in the Web UI. This parameter can be useful for disambiguating between multiple port-forwards on a single resource, e.g. naming one link “App” and one “Debugger.” If not given, the Web UI displays the URL itself (e.g. “localhost:8888”).

  • link_path ( str , optional ) – if given, the path at the port forward URL to link to; e.g. a port forward on localhost:8888 with link_path='/v1/app' would surface a link in the UI to localhost:8888/v1/app .

  • host ( str , optional ) – if given, the host of the port forward (by default, localhost ). E.g. a call to port_forward(8888, host=’elastic.local’) would forward container port 8888 to elastic.local:8888 .

Return type


probe ( initial_delay_secs = 0 , timeout_secs = 1 , period_secs = 10 , success_threshold = 1 , failure_threshold = 3 , exec = None , http_get = None , tcp_socket = None )

Creates a Probe for use with local_resource readiness checks.

Exactly one of exec, http_get, or tcp_socket must be specified.

  • initial_delay_secs ( int ) – Number of seconds after the resource has started before the probe is first initiated (default is 0).

  • timeout_secs ( int ) – Number of seconds after which probe execution is aborted and it is considered to have failed (default is 1, must be greater than 0).

  • period_secs ( int ) – How often in seconds to perform the probe (default is 10, must be greater than 0).

  • success_threshold ( int ) – Minimum number of consecutive successes for the result to be considered successful after having failed (default is 1, must be greater than 0).

  • failure_threshold ( int ) – Minimum number of consecutive failures for the result to be considered failing after having succeeded (default is 3, must be greater than 0).

  • exec ( Optional [ ExecAction ]) – Process execution handler to determine probe success.

  • http_get ( Optional [ HTTPGetAction ]) – HTTP GET handler to determine probe success.

  • tcp_socket ( Optional [ TCPSocketAction ]) – TCP socket connection handler to determine probe success.

Return type


read_file ( file_path , default = None )

Reads file and returns its contents.

If the file_path does not exist and default is not None , default will be returned. In any other case, an error reading file_path will be a Tiltfile load error.

  • file_path ( str ) – Path to the file locally (absolute, or relative to the location of the Tiltfile).

  • default ( Optional [ str ]) – If not None and the file at file_path does not exist, this value will be returned.

Return type


read_json ( path , default = None )

Reads the file at path and deserializes its contents as JSON

If the path does not exist and default is not None , default will be returned. In any other case, an error reading path will be a Tiltfile load error.

  • path ( str ) – Path to the file locally (absolute, or relative to the location of the Tiltfile).

  • default ( Optional [ str ]) – If not None and the file at path does not exist, this value will be returned.

Return type

Union [ Dict [ str , Any ], List [ Any ]]

read_yaml ( path , default = None )

Reads the file at path and deserializes its contents into a starlark object

If the path does not exist and default is not None , default will be returned. In any other case, an error reading path will be a Tiltfile load error.

  • path ( str ) – Path to the file locally (absolute, or relative to the location of the Tiltfile).

  • default ( Union [ Dict [ str , Any ], List [ Any ], None ]) – If not None and the file at path does not exist, this value will be returned.

Return type

Union [ Dict [ str , Any ], List [ Any ]]

read_yaml_stream ( path , default = None )

Reads a yaml stream (i.e., yaml documents separated by "\n---\n" ) from the file at path and deserializes its contents into a starlark object

If the path does not exist and default is not None , default will be returned. In any other case, an error reading path will be a Tiltfile load error.

  • path ( str ) – Path to the file locally (absolute, or relative to the location of the Tiltfile).

  • default ( Optional [ List [ Union [ Dict [ str , Any ], List [ Any ]]]]) – If not None and the file at path does not exist, this value will be returned.

Return type

List [ Union [ Dict [ str , Any ], List [ Any ]]]

restart_container ( )

For use with Docker Compose resources only.

Specify that a container should be restarted when it is live-updated. In practice, this means that the container re-executes its ENTRYPOINT within the changed filesystem.

May only be included in a live_update once, and only as the last step.

For more info (and for the equivalent functionality for Kubernetes resources), see the Live Update Reference .

Return type


run ( cmd , trigger = [] , echo_off = False )

Specify that the given cmd should be executed when updating an image’s container

May not precede any sync steps in a live_update .

For more info, see the Live Update Reference .

  • cmd ( Union [ str , List [ str ]]) – Command to run. If a string, executed with sh -c ; if a list, will be passed to the operating system as program name and args.

  • trigger ( Union [ List [ str ], str ]) – If the trigger argument is specified, the build step is only run when there are changes to the given file(s). Paths relative to Tiltfile. (Note that in addition to matching the trigger, file changes must also match at least one of this Live Update’s syncs in order to trigger this run. File changes that do not match any syncs will be ignored.)

  • bool – If echo_off is set to True , the command’s output will not be echoed to the Tilt UI.

Return type


secret_settings ( disable_scrub = False )

Configures Tilt’s handling of Kubernetes Secrets. By default, Tilt scrubs the text of any Secrets from the logs; e.g. if Tilt applies a Secret with contents ‘mysecurepassword’, Tilt redacts this string if ever it appears in the logs, to prevent users from accidentally sharing sensitive information in snapshots etc.


disable_scrub ( bool ) – if True, Tilt will not scrub secrets from logs.

Return type


set_team ( team_id )

Associates this Tiltfile with the team identified by team_id .

Sends usage information to Tilt Cloud periodically.

Return type


struct ( ** kwargs )

Creates an object with arbitrary fields.


x = struct(a="foo", b=6)
print("%s %d" % (x.a, x.b)) # prints "foo 6"
Return type


sync ( local_path , remote_path )

Specify that any changes to localPath should be synced to remotePath

May not follow any run steps in a live_update .

For more info, see the Live Update Reference .

  • localPath – A path relative to the Tiltfile’s directory. Changes to files matching this path will be synced to remotePath . Can be a file (in which case just that file will be synced) or directory (in which case any files recursively under that directory will be synced).

  • remotePath – container path to which changes will be synced. Must be absolute.

Return type


tcp_socket_action ( port , host = 'localhost' )

Creates a TCPSocketAction for use with a Probe that establishes a TCP socket connection to determine service readiness.

The probe is successful if a TCP socket can be established within the timeout. No data is sent or read from the socket.

  • host ( str ) – Hostname to use for TCP socket connection.

  • port ( int ) – Port to use for TCP socket connection.

Return type


trigger_mode ( trigger_mode )

Sets the default TriggerMode for resources in this Tiltfile. (Trigger mode may still be adjusted per-resource with k8s_resource() .)

If this function is not invoked, the default trigger mode for all resources is TRIGGER MODE AUTO .

See also: Manual Update Control documentation


trigger_mode ( TriggerMode ) – may be one of TRIGGER_MODE_AUTO or TRIGGER_MODE_MANUAL

update_settings ( max_parallel_updates = 3 , k8s_upsert_timeout_secs = 30 , suppress_unused_image_warnings = None )

Configures Tilt’s updates to your resources. (An update is any execution of or change to a resource. Examples of updates include: doing a docker build + deploy to Kubernetes; running a live update on an existing container; and executing a local resource command).

  • max_parallel_updates ( int ) – maximum number of updates Tilt will execute in parallel. Default is 3. Must be a positive integer.

  • k8s_upsert_timeout_secs ( int ) – timeout (in seconds) for Kubernetes upserts (i.e. create / apply calls). Minimum value is 1.

  • suppress_unused_image_warnings ( Union [ str , List [ str ], None ]) – suppresses warnings about images that aren’t deployed. Accepts a list of image names, or ‘*’ to suppress warnings for all images.

Return type


version_settings ( check_updates = True , constraint = '' )

Controls Tilt’s behavior with regard to its own version.

  • check_updates ( bool ) – If true, Tilt will check GitHub for new versions of itself and display a notification in the web UI when an upgrade is available.

  • constraint ( str ) –

    If non-empty, Tilt will check its currently running version against this constraint and generate an error if it doesn’t match. Examples:

    • <0.17.0 - less than 0.17.0

    • >=0.13.2 - at least 0.13.2

    See more at the constraint syntax documentation .

Return type


warn ( msg )

Emits a warning.

Warnings are both displayed in the logs and aggregated as alerts.


msg ( str ) – The message.

Return type


watch_file ( file_path )

Watches a file. If the file is changed a re-execution of the Tiltfile is triggered.

If the path is a directory, its contents will be recursively watched.


file_path ( str ) – Path to the file locally (absolute, or relative to the location of the Tiltfile).

Return type


watch_settings ( ignore )

Configures global watches.

May be called multiple times to add more ignore patterns.


ignore ( Union [ str , List [ str ]]) – A string or list of strings that should not trigger updates. Equivalent to adding patterns to .tiltignore. Relative patterns are evaluated relative to the current working dir. See Debugging File Changes for more details.

Return type


workload_to_resource_function ( fn )

Provide a function that will be used to name Tilt resources .

Tilt will auto-generate resource names for you. If you do not like the names it generates, you can use this to customize how Tilt generates names.


# name all tilt resources after the k8s object namespace + name
def resource_name(id):
  return id.namespace + '-' +

The names it generates must be unique (i.e., two workloads can’t map to the same resource name).


fn ( Callable [[ K8sObjectID ], str ]) – A function that takes a K8sObjectID and returns a str . Tilt will call this function once for each workload to determine that workload’s resource’s name.

Return type


os. getcwd ( )

Returns a string representation of the current working directory.

The current working directory is the directory containing the currently executing Tiltfile. If your Tiltfile runs any commands, they run from this directory.

While calling :meth:load or :meth:include to execute another Tiltfile, returns the directory of the loaded/included Tiltfile.

Return type


os. getenv ( key , default = None )

Return the value of the environment variable key if it exists, or default if it doesn’t.

  • key ( str ) – An environment variable name.

  • default – The value to return if the variable doesn’t exist.

Return type


os. putenv ( key , value )

Set the environment variable named key to the string value. Takes effect immediately in the Tilt process. Any new subprocesses will have this environment value.

  • key ( str ) – An environment variable name.

  • value ( str ) – The new value.

os. unsetenv ( key , value )

Delete the environment variable named key. Takes effect immediately in the Tilt process. Any new subprocesses will not have this variable.


key ( str ) – An environment variable name.

os.path. abspath ( path )

Return a normalized, absolute version of the path, relative to the current working directory.


path ( str ) – A filesystem path

Return type


os.path. basename ( path )

Return the basename of the path.


path ( str ) – A filesystem path

Return type


os.path. dirname ( path )

Return the directory name of the path.


path ( str ) – A filesystem path

Return type


os.path. exists ( path )

Checks if a file or directory exists at the specified path.

Returns false if this is a broken symlink, or if the user doesn’t have permission to stat the file at this path.

On Tilt v0.18.3 and below, watches the path, and reloads the Tiltfile if the contents change.

On Tilt v0.18.4 and up, does no watching.


path ( str ) – A filesystem path

Return type


os.path. join ( path , * paths )

Join one or more path components with the OS-specific file separator.

  • path – A filesystem path component

  • paths ( str ) – A variable list of components to join

Return type


os.path. realpath ( path )

Return the canonical path of the specified filename, eliminating any symbolic links encountered in the path (if they are supported by the operating system).


path ( str ) – A filesystem path

Return type


os.path. relpath ( targpath , basepath = '' )

Return the path of targpath relative to basepath (by default, relative to CWD). On success, the returned path will always be relative to basepath , even if basepath and targpath share no elements. An error is raised if targpath can’t be made relative to basepath .

e.g. for the Tiltfile at /code/Tiltfile :

  • relpath(‘/code/foo/bar’) –> foo/bar

  • relpath(‘/code/foo/bar’, ‘/code/foo’) –> bar

  • relpath(‘/code/foo’, ‘/code/baz’) –> ../foo

  • relpath(‘/code/foo’, ‘other/path’) –> error

  • targpath ( str ) – Filesystem path to be made relative

  • basepath ( str ) – Filesystem path (defaults to the current working directory)

Return type


config. clear_enabled_resources ( )

Tells Tilt that all resources should be disabled. This allows the user to manually enable only the resources they want once Tilt is running.

Return type


config. define_bool ( name , args = False , usage = '' )

Defines a config setting of type bool .

Allows the user invoking Tilt to configure a key named name to be in the dict returned by parse() .

For instance, at runtime, to set a flag of this type named foo to value True , run tilt up -- --foo . To set a value to False , you can run tilt up -- --foo=False , or use a default value, e.g.:

cfg = config.parse()
do_stuff = cfg.get('foo', False)

See the Tiltfile config documentation for examples and more information.

  • name ( str ) – The name of the config setting

  • args ( bool ) –

    If False, the config setting is specified by its name. (e.g., if it’s named “foo”, tilt up -- --foo this setting would be True .)

    If True, the config setting is specified by unnamed positional args. (e.g., in tilt up -- True , this setting would be True .) (This usage isn’t likely to be what you want)

  • usage ( str ) – When arg parsing fails, what to print for this setting’s description.

Return type


config. define_string ( name , args = False , usage = '' )

Defines a config setting of type str .

Allows the user invoking Tilt to configure a key named name to be in the dict returned by parse() .

For instance, at runtime, to set a flag of this type named foo to value “bar”, run tilt up -- --foo bar .

See the Tiltfile config documentation for examples and more information.

  • name ( str ) – The name of the config setting

  • args ( bool ) –

    If False, the config setting is specified by its name. (e.g., if it’s named “foo”, tilt up -- --foo bar this setting would be "bar" .)

    If True, the config setting is specified by unnamed positional args. (e.g., in tilt up -- 1 , this setting would be "1" .)

  • usage ( str ) – When arg parsing fails, what to print for this setting’s description.

Return type


config. define_string_list ( name , args = False , usage = '' )

Defines a config setting of type List[str] .

Allows the user invoking Tilt to configure a key named name to be in the dict returned by parse() .

See the Tiltfile config documentation for examples and more information.

  • name ( str ) – The name of the config setting

  • args ( bool ) –

    If False, the config setting is specified by its name. (e.g., if it’s named “foo”, tilt up -- --foo bar this setting would be ["bar"] .)

    If True, the config setting is specified by unnamed positional args. (e.g., in tilt up -- 1 2 3 , this setting would be ["1" "2" "3"] .)

  • usage ( str ) – When arg parsing fails, what to print for this setting’s description.

Return type


config. parse ( )

Loads config settings from tilt_config.json, overlays config settings from Tiltfile command-line args, validates them using the setting definitions specified in the Tiltfile, and returns a Dict of the resulting settings.

Settings that are defined in the Tiltfile but not specified in the config file or command-line args will be absent from the dict. Access values via, e.g., cfg.get(‘foo’, [“hello”]) to have a default value.

Note: by default, Tilt interprets the Tilt command-line args as the names of Tilt resources to run. When a Tiltfile calls parse() , that behavior is suppressed, since those args are now managed by :meth:parse. If a Tiltfile uses parse() and also needs to allow specifying a set of resources to run, it needs to call set_enabled_resources() .

See the Tiltfile config documentation for examples and more information.

Return type

Dict [ str , Any ]


A Dict where the keys are settings names and the values are their values.

config. set_enabled_resources ( resources )

Tells Tilt to only run the specified resources. (takes precedence over the default behavior of “run the resources specified on the command line”)

Calling this with an empty list results in all resources being run.

See the Tiltfile config documentation for examples and more information.


resources ( List [ str ]) – The names of the resources to run, or an empty list to run them all.

Return type


shlex. quote ( s )

Returns a shell-escaped version of s , which can be safely interpolated as a single token in a shell command.


mystring = "foo's bar"

# bad - runs: `docker run -e foo=foo's bar myimage` (invalid shell - unmatched ')
local('docker run -e foo=%s myimage' % mystring)

# good - runs: `docker run -e foo='foo'"'"'s bar' myimage`
#        which correctly sets $foo to "foo's bar"
local('docker run -e foo=%s myimage' % shlex.quote(mystring))
Return type


v1alpha1. cmd ( name , labels = None , annotations = None , args = None , dir = '' , env = None , readiness_probe = None , restart_on = None , start_on = None , disable_source = None )

Cmd represents a process on the host machine.

When the process exits, we will make a best-effort attempt (within OS limitations) to kill any spawned descendant processes.

  • name ( str ) – The name in the Object metadata.

  • labels ( Optional [ Dict [ str , str ]]) – A set of key/value pairs in the Object metadata for grouping objects.

  • annotations ( Optional [ Dict [ str , str ]]) – A set of key/value pairs in the Object metadata for attaching data to objects.

  • args ( Optional [ List [ str ]]) – Command-line arguments. Must have length at least 1.

  • dir ( str ) –

    Process working directory.

    If the working directory is not specified, the command is run in the default Tilt working directory.

  • env ( Optional [ List [ str ]]) –

    Additional variables process environment.

    Expressed as a C-style array of strings of the form [“KEY1=VALUE1”, “KEY2=VALUE2”, …].

    Environment variables are layered on top of the environment variables that Tilt runs with.

  • readiness_probe ( Optional [ Probe ]) – Periodic probe of service readiness.

  • restart_on ( Optional [ RestartOnSpec ]) –

    Indicates objects that can trigger a restart of this command.

    When a restart is triggered, Tilt will try to gracefully shutdown any currently running process, waiting for it to exit before starting a new process. If the process doesn’t shutdown within the allotted time, Tilt will kill the process abruptly.

    Restarts can happen even if the command is already done.

    Logs of the current process after the restart are discarded.

  • start_on ( Optional [ StartOnSpec ]) –

    Indicates objects that can trigger a start/restart of this command.

    Restarts behave the same as RestartOn. The key difference is that a Cmd with any StartOn triggers will not have its command run until its StartOn is satisfied.

  • disable_source ( Optional [ DisableSource ]) – Specifies how to disable this.

v1alpha1. config_map ( name , labels = None , annotations = None , data = None )

ConfigMap stores unstructured data that other controllers can read and write.

Useful for sharing data from one system and subscribing to it from another.

  • name ( str ) – The name in the Object metadata.

  • labels ( Optional [ Dict [ str , str ]]) – A set of key/value pairs in the Object metadata for grouping objects.

  • annotations ( Optional [ Dict [ str , str ]]) – A set of key/value pairs in the Object metadata for attaching data to objects.

  • data ( Optional [ Dict [ str , str ]]) – Data contains the configuration data. Each key must consist of alphanumeric characters, ‘-’, ‘_’ or ‘.’.

v1alpha1. config_map_disable_source ( name = '' , key = '' )

Specifies a ConfigMap to control a DisableSource

  • name ( str ) – The name of the ConfigMap

  • key ( str ) – The key where the enable/disable state is stored.

Return type


v1alpha1. disable_source ( config_map = None )

Points at a thing that can control whether something is disabled


config_map ( Optional [ ConfigMapDisableSource ]) – This DisableSource is controlled by a ConfigMap

Return type


v1alpha1. exec_action ( command = None )

ExecAction describes a “run in container” action.


command ( Optional [ List [ str ]]) – Command is the command line to execute inside the container, the working directory for the command is root (‘/’) in the container’s filesystem. The command is simply exec’d, it is not run inside a shell, so traditional shell instructions (‘|’, etc) won’t work. To use a shell, you need to explicitly call out to that shell. Exit status of 0 is treated as live/healthy and non-zero is unhealthy.

Return type


v1alpha1. extension ( name , labels = None , annotations = None , repo_name = '' , repo_path = '' , args = None )

Extension defines an extension that’s evaluated on Tilt startup.

  • name ( str ) – The name in the Object metadata.

  • labels ( Optional [ Dict [ str , str ]]) – A set of key/value pairs in the Object metadata for grouping objects.

  • annotations ( Optional [ Dict [ str , str ]]) – A set of key/value pairs in the Object metadata for attaching data to objects.

  • repo_name ( str ) –

    RepoName specifies the ExtensionRepo object where we should find this extension.

    The Extension controller should watch for changes to this repo, and may update if this repo is deleted or moved.

  • repo_path ( str ) –

    RepoPath specifies the path to the extension directory inside the repo.

    Once the repo is downloaded, this path should point to a directory with a Tiltfile as the main “entrypoint” of the extension.

  • args ( Optional [ List [ str ]]) –

    Arguments to the Tiltfile loaded by this extension.

    Arguments can be positional ([‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’]) or flag-based (’–to-edit=a’). By default, a list of arguments indicates the list of services in the tiltfile that should be enabled.

v1alpha1. extension_repo ( name , labels = None , annotations = None , url = '' , ref = '' )

ExtensionRepo specifies a repo or folder where a set of extensions live.

  • name ( str ) – The name in the Object metadata.

  • labels ( Optional [ Dict [ str , str ]]) – A set of key/value pairs in the Object metadata for grouping objects.

  • annotations ( Optional [ Dict [ str , str ]]) – A set of key/value pairs in the Object metadata for attaching data to objects.

  • url ( str ) –

    The URL of the repo.

    Allowed: https: URLs that point to a public git repo file: URLs that point to a location on disk.

  • ref ( str ) – A reference to sync the repo to. If empty, Tilt will always update the repo to the latest version.

v1alpha1. file_watch ( name , labels = None , annotations = None , watched_paths = None , ignores = None , disable_source = None )


  • name ( str ) – The name in the Object metadata.

  • labels ( Optional [ Dict [ str , str ]]) – A set of key/value pairs in the Object metadata for grouping objects.

  • annotations ( Optional [ Dict [ str , str ]]) – A set of key/value pairs in the Object metadata for attaching data to objects.

  • watched_paths ( Optional [ List [ str ]]) – WatchedPaths are paths of directories or files to watch for changes to. It cannot be empty.

  • ignores ( Optional [ List [ IgnoreDef ]]) – Ignores are optional rules to filter out a subset of changes matched by WatchedPaths.

  • disable_source ( Optional [ DisableSource ]) – Specifies how to disable this.

v1alpha1. forward ( local_port = 0 , container_port = 0 , host = '' )

Forward defines a port forward to execute on a given pod.

  • local_port ( int ) –

    The port to expose on the current machine.

    If not specified (or 0), a random free port will be chosen and can be discovered via the status once established.

  • container_port ( int ) – The port on the Kubernetes pod to connect to. Required.

  • host ( str ) – Optional host to bind to on the current machine (localhost by default)

Return type


v1alpha1. handler ( exec = None , http_get = None , tcp_socket = None )

Handler defines a specific action that should be taken in a probe.

  • exec ( Optional [ ExecAction ]) – One and only one of the following should be specified. Exec specifies the action to take.

  • http_get ( Optional [ HTTPGetAction ]) – HTTPGet specifies the http request to perform.

  • tcp_socket ( Optional [ TCPSocketAction ]) – TCPSocket specifies an action involving a TCP port. TCP hooks not yet supported TODO: implement a realistic TCP lifecycle hook

Return type


v1alpha1. http_get_action ( path = '' , port = 0 , host = '' , scheme = '' , http_headers = None )

HTTPGetAction describes an action based on HTTP Get requests.

  • path ( str ) – Path to access on the HTTP server.

  • port ( int ) – Name or number of the port to access on the container. Number must be in the range 1 to 65535.

  • host ( str ) – Host name to connect to, defaults to the pod IP. You probably want to set “Host” in httpHeaders instead.

  • scheme ( str ) – Scheme to use for connecting to the host. Defaults to HTTP.

  • http_headers ( Optional [ List [ HTTPHeader ]]) – Custom headers to set in the request. HTTP allows repeated headers.

Return type


v1alpha1. http_header ( name = '' , value = '' )

HTTPHeader describes a custom header to be used in HTTP probes

  • name ( str ) – The header field name

  • value ( str ) – The header field value

Return type


v1alpha1. ignore_def ( base_path = '' , patterns = None )

Describes sets of file paths that the FileWatch should ignore.

  • base_path ( str ) –

    BasePath is the base path for the patterns. It cannot be empty.

    If no patterns are specified, everything under it will be recursively ignored.

  • patterns ( Optional [ List [ str ]]) –

    Patterns are dockerignore style rules. Absolute-style patterns will be rooted to the BasePath.

    See .

Return type


v1alpha1. kubernetes_apply ( name , labels = None , annotations = None , yaml = '' , image_maps = None , image_locators = None , timeout = '' , kubernetes_discovery_template_spec = None , port_forward_template_spec = None , pod_log_stream_template_spec = None , discovery_strategy = '' , disable_source = None , cmd = None , restart_on = None )

KubernetesApply specifies a blob of YAML to apply, and a set of ImageMaps that the YAML depends on.

The KubernetesApply controller will resolve the ImageMaps into immutable image references. The controller will process the spec YAML, then apply it to the cluster. Those processing steps might include:

  • Injecting the resolved image references.

  • Adding custom labels so that Tilt can track the progress of the apply.

  • Modifying image pull rules to ensure the image is pulled correctly.

The controller won’t apply anything until all ImageMaps resolve to real images.

The controller will watch all the image maps, and redeploy the entire YAML if any of the maps resolve to a new image.

The status field will contain both the raw applied object, and derived fields to help other controllers figure out how to watch the apply progress.

  • name ( str ) – The name in the Object metadata.

  • labels ( Optional [ Dict [ str , str ]]) – A set of key/value pairs in the Object metadata for grouping objects.

  • annotations ( Optional [ Dict [ str , str ]]) – A set of key/value pairs in the Object metadata for attaching data to objects.

  • yaml ( str ) –

    YAML to apply to the cluster.

    Exactly one of YAML OR Cmd MUST be provided.

  • image_maps ( Optional [ List [ str ]]) –

    Names of image maps that this applier depends on.

    The controller will watch all the image maps, and redeploy the entire YAML if any of the maps resolve to a new image.

  • image_locators ( Optional [ List [ KubernetesImageLocator ]]) –

    Descriptors of how to find images in the YAML.

    Needed when injecting images into CRDs.

  • timeout ( str ) –

    The timeout on the apply operation.

    We’ve had problems with both: 1) CRD apiservers that take an arbitrarily long time to apply, and 2) Infinite loops in the apimachinery So we offer the ability to set a timeout on Kubernetes apply operations.

    The default timeout is 30s.

  • kubernetes_discovery_template_spec ( Optional [ KubernetesDiscoveryTemplateSpec ]) –

    KubernetesDiscoveryTemplateSpec describes how we discover pods for resources created by this Apply.

    If not specified, the KubernetesDiscovery controller will listen to all pods, and follow owner references to find the pods owned by these resources.

  • port_forward_template_spec ( Optional [ PortForwardTemplateSpec ]) –

    PortForwardTemplateSpec describes the data model for port forwards that KubernetesApply should set up.

    Underneath the hood, we’ll create a KubernetesDiscovery object that finds the pods and sets up the port-forwarding. Only one PortForward will be active at a time.

  • pod_log_stream_template_spec ( Optional [ PodLogStreamTemplateSpec ]) –

    PodLogStreamTemplateSpec describes the data model for PodLogStreams that KubernetesApply should set up.

    Underneath the hood, we’ll create a KubernetesDiscovery object that finds the pods and sets up the pod log streams.

    If no template is specified, the controller will stream all pod logs available from the apiserver.

  • discovery_strategy ( str ) – DiscoveryStrategy describes how we set up pod watches for the applied resources. This affects all systems that attach to pods, including PortForwards, PodLogStreams, resource readiness, and live-updates.

  • disable_source ( Optional [ DisableSource ]) – Specifies how to disable this.

  • cmd ( Optional [ KubernetesApplyCmd ]) –

    Cmd is a custom command to generate the YAML to apply.

    The Cmd MUST return valid Kubernetes YAML for the entities it applied to the cluster.

    Exactly one of YAML OR Cmd MUST be provided.

  • restart_on ( Optional [ RestartOnSpec ]) – RestartOn determines external triggers that will result in an apply.

v1alpha1. kubernetes_apply_cmd ( args = None , dir = '' , env = None )
  • args ( Optional [ List [ str ]]) – Args are the command-line arguments for the apply command. Must have length >= 1.

  • dir ( str ) –

    Process working directory.

    If not specified, will default to Tilt working directory.

  • env ( Optional [ List [ str ]]) –

    Env are additional variables for the process environment.

    Environment variables are layered on top of the environment variables that Tilt runs with.

Return type


v1alpha1. kubernetes_discovery ( name , labels = None , annotations = None , watches = None , extra_selectors = None , port_forward_template_spec = None , pod_log_stream_template_spec = None )


  • name ( str ) – The name in the Object metadata.

  • labels ( Optional [ Dict [ str , str ]]) – A set of key/value pairs in the Object metadata for grouping objects.

  • annotations ( Optional [ Dict [ str , str ]]) – A set of key/value pairs in the Object metadata for attaching data to objects.

  • watches ( Optional [ List [ KubernetesWatchRef ]]) –

    Watches determine what resources are discovered.

    If a discovered resource (e.g. Pod) matches the KubernetesWatchRef UID exactly, it will be reported. If a discovered resource is transitively owned by the KubernetesWatchRef UID, it will be reported.

  • extra_selectors ( Optional [ List [ LabelSelector ]]) –

    ExtraSelectors are label selectors that will force discovery of a Pod even if it does not match the AncestorUID.

    This should only be necessary in the event that a CRD creates Pods but does not set an owner reference to itself.

  • port_forward_template_spec ( Optional [ PortForwardTemplateSpec ]) –

    PortForwardTemplateSpec describes the data model for port forwards that KubernetesDiscovery should set up.

    The KubernetesDiscovery controller will choose a “best” candidate for attaching the port-forwarding. Only one PortForward will be active at a time.

  • pod_log_stream_template_spec ( Optional [ PodLogStreamTemplateSpec ]) –

    PodLogStreamTemplateSpec describes the data model for PodLogStreams that KubernetesDiscovery should set up.

    The KubernetesDiscovery controller will attach PodLogStream objects to all active pods it discovers.

    If no template is specified, the controller will stream all pod logs available from the apiserver.

v1alpha1. kubernetes_discovery_template_spec ( extra_selectors = None )

extra_selectors ( Optional [ List [ LabelSelector ]]) –

ExtraSelectors are label selectors that will force discovery of a Pod even if it does not match the AncestorUID.

This should only be necessary in the event that a CRD creates Pods but does not set an owner reference to itself.

Return type


v1alpha1. kubernetes_image_locator ( object_selector = None , path = '' , object = None )

Finds image references in Kubernetes YAML.

  • object_selector ( Optional [ ObjectSelector ]) – Selects which objects to look in.

  • path ( str ) –

    A JSON path to the image reference field.

    If Object is empty, the field should be a string.

    If Object is non-empty, the field should be an object with subfields.

  • object ( Optional [ KubernetesImageObjectDescriptor ]) – A descriptor of the path and structure of an object that describes an image reference. This is a common way to describe images in CRDs, breaking them down into an object rather than an image reference string.

Return type


v1alpha1. kubernetes_image_object_descriptor ( repo_field = '' , tag_field = '' )
  • repo_field ( str ) – The name of the field that contains the image repository.

  • tag_field ( str ) – The name of the field that contains the image tag.

Return type


v1alpha1. kubernetes_watch_ref ( uid = '' , namespace = '' , name = '' )

KubernetesWatchRef is similar to v1.ObjectReference from the Kubernetes API and is used to determine what objects should be reported on based on discovery.

  • uid ( str ) –

    UID is a Kubernetes object UID.

    It should either be the exact object UID or the transitive owner.

  • namespace ( str ) – Namespace is the Kubernetes namespace for discovery. Required.

  • name ( str ) –

    Name is the Kubernetes object name.

    This is not directly used in discovery; it is extra metadata.

Return type


v1alpha1. label_selector ( match_labels = None , match_expressions = None )
  • match_labels ( Optional [ Dict [ str , str ]]) – matchLabels is a map of {key,value} pairs. A single {key,value} in the matchLabels map is equivalent to an element of matchExpressions, whose key field is “key”, the operator is “In”, and the values array contains only “value”. The requirements are ANDed.

  • match_expressions ( Optional [ List [ LabelSelectorRequirement ]]) – matchExpressions is a list of label selector requirements. The requirements are ANDed.

Return type


v1alpha1. label_selector_requirement ( key = '' , operator = '' , values = None )
  • key ( str ) – key is the label key that the selector applies to.

  • operator ( str ) – operator represents a key’s relationship to a set of values. Valid operators are In, NotIn, Exists and DoesNotExist.

  • values ( Optional [ List [ str ]]) – values is an array of string values. If the operator is In or NotIn, the values array must be non-empty. If the operator is Exists or DoesNotExist, the values array must be empty. This array is replaced during a strategic merge patch.

Return type


v1alpha1. object_selector ( api_version_regexp = '' , kind_regexp = '' , name_regexp = '' , namespace_regexp = '' )

Selector for any Kubernetes-style API.

  • api_version_regexp ( str ) – A regular expression apiVersion match.

  • kind_regexp ( str ) – A regular expression kind match.

  • name_regexp ( str ) – A regular expression name match.

  • namespace_regexp ( str ) – A regular expression namespace match.

Return type


v1alpha1. pod_log_stream_template_spec ( only_containers = None , ignore_containers = None )

PodLogStreamTemplateSpec describes common attributes for PodLogStreams that can be shared across pods.

  • only_containers ( Optional [ List [ str ]]) –

    The names of containers to include in the stream.

    If onlyContainers and ignoreContainers are not set, will watch all containers in the pod.

  • ignore_containers ( Optional [ List [ str ]]) –

    The names of containers to exclude from the stream.

    If onlyContainers and ignoreContainers are not set, will watch all containers in the pod.

Return type


v1alpha1. port_forward_template_spec ( forwards = None )

PortForwardTemplateSpec describes common attributes for PortForwards that can be shared across pods.


forwards ( Optional [ List [ Forward ]]) – One or more port forwards to execute on the given pod. Required.

Return type


v1alpha1. probe ( handler = None , initial_delay_seconds = 0 , timeout_seconds = 0 , period_seconds = 0 , success_threshold = 0 , failure_threshold = 0 )

Probe describes a health check to be performed to determine whether it is alive or ready to receive traffic.

  • handler ( Optional [ Handler ]) – The action taken to determine the health of a container

  • initial_delay_seconds ( int ) – Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness probes are initiated. More info:

  • timeout_seconds ( int ) – Number of seconds after which the probe times out. Defaults to 1 second. Minimum value is 1. More info:

  • period_seconds ( int ) – How often (in seconds) to perform the probe. Default to 10 seconds. Minimum value is 1.

  • success_threshold ( int ) – Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed. Defaults to 1. Must be 1 for liveness and startup. Minimum value is 1.

  • failure_threshold ( int ) – Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded. Defaults to 3. Minimum value is 1.

Return type


v1alpha1. restart_on_spec ( file_watches = None , ui_buttons = None )

RestartOnSpec indicates the set of objects that can trigger a restart of this object.

  • file_watches ( Optional [ List [ str ]]) – FileWatches that can trigger a restart.

  • ui_buttons ( Optional [ List [ str ]]) – UIButtons that can trigger a restart.

Return type


v1alpha1. start_on_spec ( ui_buttons = None )

StartOnSpec indicates the set of objects that can trigger a start/restart of this object.


ui_buttons ( Optional [ List [ str ]]) – UIButtons that can trigger a start/restart.

Return type


v1alpha1. tcp_socket_action ( port = 0 , host = '' )

TCPSocketAction describes an action based on opening a socket

  • port ( int ) – Number or name of the port to access on the container. Number must be in the range 1 to 65535.

  • host ( str ) – Optional: Host name to connect to, defaults to the pod IP.

Return type


v1alpha1. ui_bool_input_spec ( default_value = False , true_string = None , false_string = None )

Describes a boolean checkbox input field attached to a button.

  • default_value ( bool ) – Whether the input is initially true or false.

  • true_string ( Optional [ str ]) – If the input’s value is converted to a string, use this when the value is true. If unspecified, its string value will be “true”

  • false_string ( Optional [ str ]) – If the input’s value is converted to a string, use this when the value is false. If unspecified, its string value will be “false”

Return type


v1alpha1. ui_button ( name , labels = None , annotations = None , location = None , text = '' , icon_name = '' , icon_svg = '' , disabled = False , requires_confirmation = False , inputs = None )


  • name ( str ) – The name in the Object metadata.

  • labels ( Optional [ Dict [ str , str ]]) – A set of key/value pairs in the Object metadata for grouping objects.

  • annotations ( Optional [ Dict [ str , str ]]) – A set of key/value pairs in the Object metadata for attaching data to objects.

  • location ( Optional [ UIComponentLocation ]) – Location associates the button with another component for layout.

  • text ( str ) – Text to appear on the button itself or as hover text (depending on button location).

  • icon_name ( str ) –

    IconName is a Material Icon to appear next to button text or on the button itself (depending on button location).

    Valid values are icon font ligature names from the Material Icons set. See for the full list of available icons.

    If both IconSVG and IconName are specified, IconSVG will take precedence.

  • icon_svg ( str ) –

    IconSVG is an SVG to use as the icon to appear next to button text or on the button itself (depending on button location).

    This should be an <svg> element scaled for a 24x24 viewport.

    If both IconSVG and IconName are specified, IconSVG will take precedence.

  • disabled ( bool ) – If true, the button will be rendered, but with an effect indicating it’s disabled. It will also be unclickable.

  • requires_confirmation ( bool ) – If true, the UI will require the user to click the button a second time to confirm before taking action

  • inputs ( Optional [ List [ UIInputSpec ]]) – Any inputs for this button.

v1alpha1. ui_component_location ( component_id = '' , component_type = '' )

UIComponentLocation specifies where to put a UI component.

  • component_id ( str ) –

    ComponentID is the identifier of the parent component to associate this component with.

    For example, this is a resource name if the ComponentType is Resource.

  • component_type ( str ) – ComponentType is the type of the parent component.

Return type


v1alpha1. ui_hidden_input_spec ( value = '' )

Describes a hidden input field attached to a button, with a value to pass on any submit.


value ( str ) – Documentation missing

Return type


v1alpha1. ui_input_spec ( name = '' , label = '' , text = None , bool = None , hidden = None )

Defines an Input to render in the UI. If UIButton is analogous to an HTML <form>, UIInput is analogous to an HTML <input>.

  • name ( str ) – Name of this input. Must be unique within the UIButton.

  • label ( str ) – A label to display next to this input in the UI.

  • text ( Optional [ UITextInputSpec ]) – A Text input that takes a string.

  • bool ( Optional [ UIBoolInputSpec ]) – A Bool input that is true or false

  • hidden ( Optional [ UIHiddenInputSpec ]) – An input that has a constant value and does not display to the user

Return type


v1alpha1. ui_text_input_spec ( default_value = '' , placeholder = '' )

Describes a text input field attached to a button.

  • default_value ( str ) – Initial value for this field.

  • placeholder ( str ) – A short hint that describes the expected input of this field.

Return type



class Blob

The result of executing a command on your local system.

Under the hood, a Blob is just a string, but we wrap it this way so Tilt knows the difference between a string meant to convey content and a string indicating, say, a filepath.

To wrap a string as a blob, call blob(my_str)

class ExecAction

Specification for a command to execute that determines resource readiness.

For details, see the probe() and exec_action() functions.

class HTTPGetAction

Specification for a HTTP GET request to perform that determines resource readiness.

For details, see the probe() and http_get_action() functions.

class K8sObjectID

The object’s name (e.g., “my-service” )




The object’s kind (e.g., “deployment” )




The object’s namespace (e.g., “default” )




The object’s group (e.g., “apps” )



Specifications for a link associated with a resource in the Web UI.

For details, see the link() method.

class LiveUpdateStep

A step in the process of performing a LiveUpdate on an image’s container.

For details, see the Live Update documentation .

class PortForward

Specifications for setting up and displaying a Kubernetes port-forward.

For details, see the port_forward() method.

class Probe

Specification for a resource readiness check.

For details, see the probe() function.

class TCPSocketAction

Specification for a TCP socket connection to perform that determines resource readiness.

For details, see the probe() and tcp_socket_action() functions.

class TriggerMode

A set of constants that describe how Tilt triggers an update for a resource. Possible values are:

  • TRIGGER_MODE_AUTO : the default. When Tilt detects a change to files or config files associated with this resource, it triggers an update.

  • TRIGGER_MODE_MANUAL : user manually triggers update for dirty resources (i.e. resources with pending changes) via a button in the UI. (Note that the initial build always occurs automatically.)

The default trigger mode for all manifests may be set with the top-level function trigger_mode() (if not set, defaults to TRIGGER_MODE_AUTO ), and per-resource with k8s_resource() / dc_resource() .

See also: Manual Update Control documentation

class v1alpha1. ConfigMapDisableSource

Specifies a ConfigMap to control a DisableSource

class v1alpha1. DisableSource

Points at a thing that can control whether something is disabled

class v1alpha1. ExecAction

ExecAction describes a “run in container” action.

class v1alpha1. Forward

Forward defines a port forward to execute on a given pod.

class v1alpha1. HTTPGetAction

HTTPGetAction describes an action based on HTTP Get requests.

class v1alpha1. HTTPHeader

HTTPHeader describes a custom header to be used in HTTP probes

class v1alpha1. Handler

Handler defines a specific action that should be taken in a probe.

class v1alpha1. IgnoreDef

Describes sets of file paths that the FileWatch should ignore.

class v1alpha1. KubernetesImageLocator

Finds image references in Kubernetes YAML.

class v1alpha1. KubernetesWatchRef

KubernetesWatchRef is similar to v1.ObjectReference from the Kubernetes API and is used to determine what objects should be reported on based on discovery.

class v1alpha1. ObjectSelector

Selector for any Kubernetes-style API.

class v1alpha1. PodLogStreamTemplateSpec

PodLogStreamTemplateSpec describes common attributes for PodLogStreams that can be shared across pods.

class v1alpha1. PortForwardTemplateSpec

PortForwardTemplateSpec describes common attributes for PortForwards that can be shared across pods.

class v1alpha1. Probe

Probe describes a health check to be performed to determine whether it is alive or ready to receive traffic.

class v1alpha1. RestartOnSpec

RestartOnSpec indicates the set of objects that can trigger a restart of this object.

class v1alpha1. StartOnSpec

StartOnSpec indicates the set of objects that can trigger a start/restart of this object.

class v1alpha1. TCPSocketAction

TCPSocketAction describes an action based on opening a socket

class v1alpha1. UIBoolInputSpec

Describes a boolean checkbox input field attached to a button.

class v1alpha1. UIComponentLocation

UIComponentLocation specifies where to put a UI component.

class v1alpha1. UIHiddenInputSpec

Describes a hidden input field attached to a button, with a value to pass on any submit.

class v1alpha1. UIInputSpec

Defines an Input to render in the UI. If UIButton is analogous to an HTML <form>, UIInput is analogous to an HTML <input>.

class v1alpha1. UITextInputSpec

Describes a text input field attached to a button.


__file__ : str = ''

The path of the Tiltfile. Set as a local variable in each Tiltfile as it loads.

os. environ

A dictionary of your environment variables.

For example, os.environ['HOME'] is usually your home directory.

Captured each time the Tiltfile begins execution.

Tiltfile dictionaries support many of the same methods as Python dictionaries, including:

  • dict.get(key, default)

  • dict.items()

See the Starlark spec for more.

alias of Dict [ str , str ]

os. name : str = ''

The name of the operating system. ‘posix’ (for Linux and MacOS) or ‘nt’ (for Windows).

Designed for consistency with in Python .

config. main_dir : str = ''

The absolute directory of the main Tiltfile.

Often used to determine the location of vendored code and caches.

config. main_path : str = ''

The absolute path of the main Tiltfile.

config. tilt_subcommand : str = ''

The sub-command with which tilt was invoked. Does not include extra args or options.


  • run tilt down -> config.tilt_subcommand == “down”

  • run tilt up frontend backend -> config.tilt_subcommand == “up”

  • run tilt alpha tiltfile-result -> config.tilt_subcommand == “alpha tiltfile-result”

sys. argv : List [ str ] = []

The list of command line arguments passed to Tilt on start.

argv[0] is the Tilt binary name.

sys. executable : str = ''

A string giving the absolute path of the Tilt binary.

Based on how Tilt was originally invoked. There is no guarantee that the path is still pointing to a valid Tilt binary. If the path has a symlink, the behavior is operating system dependent.


Can’t find what you’re looking for in this reference?

Tilt users can contribute extensions to share with other users. Browse them for examples of what you can do with a Tiltfile. Load them into your own Tiltfile. Includes:

  • api_server_logs: Print API server logs. Example from Contribute an Extension.
  • cancel: Adds a cancel button to the UI.
  • cert_manager: Deploys cert-manager.
  • color: Allows colorful log prints.
  • configmap: Create configmaps from files and auto-deploy them.
  • conftest: Use Conftest to test your configuration files.
  • coreos_prometheus: Deploys Prometheus to a monitoring namespace, managed by the CoreOS Prometheus Operator and CRDs
  • current_namespace: Reads the default namespace from your kubectl config.
  • custom_build_with_restart: Wrap a custom_build to restart the given entrypoint after a Live Update
  • deployment: Create K8s deployments, jobs, and services without manifest YAML files.
  • docker_build_sub: Specify extra Dockerfile directives in your Tiltfile beyond docker_build.
  • docker_build_with_restart: Wrap a docker_build to restart the given entrypoint after a Live Update
  • dotenv: Load environment variables from .env or another file.
  • file_sync_only: No-build, no-push, file sync-only development. Useful when you want to live-reload a single config file into an existing public image, like nginx.
  • git_resource: Deploy a dockerfile from a remote repository – or specify the path to a local checkout for local development.
  • hasura: Deploys Hasura GraphQL Engine and monitors metadata/migrations changes locally.
  • hello_world: Print “Hello world!”. Used in Extensions.
  • helm_remote: Install a remote Helm chart (in a way that gets properly uninstalled when running tilt down)
  • helm_resource: Deploy with the Helm CLI. New Tilt users should prefer this approach over helm_remote.
  • honeycomb: Report dev env health metrics to Honeycomb.
  • jest_test_runner: Jest JavaScript test runner. Example from Contribute an Extension.
  • k8s_attach: Attach to an existing Kubernetes resource that’s already in your cluster. View their health and live-update them in-place.
  • kim: Use kim to build images for Tilt
  • knative: Use knative serving to iterate on scale-to-zero servers.
  • ko: Use Ko to build Go-based container images
  • kubebuilder: Enable live-update for developing Kubebuilder projects.
  • kubectl_build: Get faster build cycles and smaller disk usage by building docker images directly in the k8s cluster with BuildKit CLI for kubectl.
  • kubefwd: Use Kubefwd to bulk-forward Kubernetes services.
  • local_output: Run a local command and get the output as string
  • min_k8s_version: Require a minimum Kubernetes version to run this Tiltfile.
  • min_tilt_version: Require a minimum Tilt version to run this Tiltfile.
  • namespace: Functions for interacting with namespaces.
  • nix: Use nix to build nix-based container images.
  • ngrok: Expose public URLs for your services with ngrok.
  • pack: Build container images using pack and buildpacks.
  • podman: Build container images using podman
  • print_tiltfile_dir: Print all files in the Tiltfile directory. If recursive is set to True, also prints files in all recursive subdirectories.
  • procfile: Create Tilt resources from a foreman Procfile.
  • restart_process: Wrap a docker_build to restart the given entrypoint after a Live Update (replaces restart_container())
  • secret: Functions for creating secrets.
  • snyk: Use Snyk to test your containers, configuration files, and open source dependencies.
  • syncback: Sync files/directories from your container back to your local FS.
  • tarfetch: Fetch new and updated files from a container to your local FS.
  • tests: Some common configurations for running your tests in Tilt.
  • tilt_inspector: Debugging server for exploring internal Tilt state.
  • uibutton: Customize your Tilt dashboard with buttons to run a command.
  • wait_for_it: Wait until command output is equal to given output.