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Tiltfile Config

Tools offer flags and args to support the wide range of users needs and preferences, and dev workflows are no different. Devs on your team will want options in how they use Tilt; some are long-standing personal preferences and others will change in the middle of working on a Pull Request. With Tilt’s user configuration system, you can improve a Tiltfile that encodes one standard setup to power the breadth of workflows your team needs:

  • Maintainers choose the options to expose that make sense for their project
  • Users can easily set and change options, without having to learn a Tiltfile
  • Tiltfile code uses the choices to power arbitrary customizations

This doc describes how you, the Dev Experience engineer who owns the Tiltfile, can offer this to your user, the App Developer who runs Tilt while they code. In order, we’ll cover:

  • Setting options as a user
  • Examples of common configuration
  • Config file that stores flags
  • Future work

Setting Options as a User

Because users have different needs around options, Tilt supports several ways of setting options:

  • Jump into a mode quickly by adding flags and args on the command: tilt up -- --key value.
  • Store long-lived preferences in a file named tilt_config.json so you don’t have to remember to pass options on each invocation.
  • Change options without having to restart/rebuild/redeploy: tilt args -- --key value2 updates the running Tilt and reloads the config with the new value.
  • Set options in existing scripts outside of Tilt. For example, a new-hire onboarding tool that provisions capacity and requests permissions can write that info to tilt_config.json.


Run only some services (reimplement default Tilt behavior)

Your app has many services, call them A, B, C, and D, and you want your users to be able to run only a subset of them. E.g., tilt up will run all services, but running tilt up a b d will run only the resources a, b, and d, ignoring c. This is the same as the default tilt up behavior, but is useful as an example and starting point.


  • tilt up: run all services
  • tilt up a b d: run A, B, and D but not C
  • tilt args a b: change running Tilt to run A and B but neither C nor D.
  • tilt down: delete all services
  • tilt down a b d: delete A, B, and D but leave C running


(See the config API reference for details on what exactly these calls are doing.)

config.define_string_list("to-run", args=True)
cfg = config.parse()
config.set_enabled_resources(cfg.get('to-run', []))

Run a defined set of services

Your app has many services, call them A, B, C, and D. Some of your developers work on consumer features, which need one subset of those services, and some of your developers work on enterprise features, which need a different subset. You don’t want your developers to have to remember and keep up with the latest on which services are in which subset. You want to be able to write a doc that tells users to run tilt up consumer and know that’s enough that they’ll be set up.


  • tilt up: run all services
  • tilt up consumer: run only services in the “consumer” list


    config.define_string_list("to-run", args=True)
    cfg = config.parse()
    groups = {
      'consumer': ['a', 'b', 'c'],
      'enterprise': ['a', 'b', 'd'],
    resources = []
    for arg in cfg.get('to-run', []):
      if arg in groups:
        resources += groups[arg]
        # also support specifying individual services instead of groups, e.g. `tilt up a b d`

Specify services to edit

You have many services that your users frequently need to run, but don’t expect to edit. Your YAML includes good enough images. (Perhaps they’re from a suitably recent CI invocation, or refer to standard images.)


  • tilt up: run all services, editing none
  • tilt up -- --to-edit b: run all services, editing b (the ‘–’ indicates the end of tilt up options and the start of user-defined settings)
  • tilt up -- consumer --to-edit b --to-edit c: run consumer services and set up b and c for editing.
  • tilt down -- consumer: Delete consumer services but leave any other services alone.


config.define_string_list("to-run", args=True)
cfg = config.parse()
# omitting the code from above Tiltfile that includes correct resources
# Only configure the build for services we want to edit
# Thanks to Tilt's existing behavior, an image that is mentioned in YAML but has no build set
# will use the existing tag.
to_edit = cfg.get('to-edit', [])
if 'a' in to_edit:
    docker_build('a', './a')
if 'b' in to_edit:
    docker_build('b', './b')
if 'c' in to_edit:
    docker_build('c', './c')
if 'd' in to_edit:
    docker_build('d', './d')

Run no resources by default and selectively enable

You have many services that your users want to pick and choose from to run. This list of services varies a lot from developer to developer, so it may not be possible to define preset groups of services to run.

Starting Tilt with all services disabled by default allows your users to selectively enable what services they want when Tilt is running. Disabled resources are displayed and can be enabled from the UI or the CLI.


  • tilt up: start Tilt with all services disabled
  • tilt enable a b: enable ‘a’ and ‘b’
  • tilt enable --only a b: enable ‘a’ and ‘b’, and disables all others
  • tilt enable --all: enable all services
  • tilt disable a b: disable ‘a’ and ‘b’
  • tilt disable --all: disable all services


    # start Tilt with no enabled resources

Grouping services in web UI

Your app has many different services and you want to group similar services together to speed up development and aid your users’ comprehension.

In the Tiltfile, you can specify a label or list of labels to be added to each resource, including k8s_resource(), local_resource(), and dc_resource() calls. The web UI will display services in groups by their labels in expandable and collapsable sections, as well as display a status summary for each labeled group. If a service has multiple labels applied to it, that service will appear under each labeled group. Label groups are sorted and displayed alphabetically.


# This example has five services. With the addition of labels, services will be
# grouped together and organized, like:
#   - database:
#              storage
#              flush_database
#   - frontend:
#              app
#              test-js
#   - script:
#              flush_database
#              prettier
#   - test:
#              test-js

k8s_resource("app", port_forwards="3000", labels="frontend")

k8s_resource("storage", port_forwards="8080", labels="database")

  'curl http://localhost:8080/flush',
  labels=["database", "script"]

  'yarn prettier',
  labels=["frontend", "script"]

  'yarn test',
  labels=["frontend", "test"]

The Config File

In addition to config settings coming from command-line args, Tilt will read them from a tilt_config.json in the same directory as the Tiltfile, if one exists. It should contain a single JSON dict, where the keys are config setting names and the values are their values (e.g., {"to-edit": ["b", "c"]}). As with any other file read by the Tiltfile, if this config file is changed while Tilt is running, Tilt will pick up that change and reexecute the Tiltfile. If the same setting is specified in both the config file and the command-line args, the value from the args takes precedence.

Changing args at runtime

While Tilt is running, if the user decides they need a different set of Tiltfile args (i.e., args handled by config.parse, not args to tilt itself like --hud) than what they passed to tilt up, they can use tilt args to replace them, e.g.:


  • tilt up a b d: start tilt with just services a, b, and d
  • tilt args a b d -- --to-edit b: connect to the tilt that is running from the previous line, and enable editing for service b
  • tilt args --clear: clear the Tiltfile args (change the running Tilt so that it’s as if it were just run as a bare tilt up with no Tiltfile args)

Note that settings from args always take precedence over settings from the config file, even if the config file is changed after the args were set.

Comparison to Default Behavior

If you don’t call config.parse, Tilt’s default behavior is to set resources to any (non-empty) passed args. As a starting point, this is an equivalent Tiltfile implementation:

config.define_string_list("args", args=True)
cfg = config.parse()
config.set_enabled_resources(cfg.get('args', []))

Flag types

Here are some sample usages of different types of flags that are supported:

list of string

  • Tiltfile syntax: config.define_string_list("foo")
  • tilt invocation: tilt up -- --foo bar --foo baz

single string

  • Tiltfile syntax: config.define_string("foo")
  • tilt invocation: tilt up -- --foo bar


  • Tiltfile syntax: config.define_bool("foo")
  • tilt invocation: tilt up -- --foo or tilt up -- --foo=False

Positional Arguments

It’s possible to define at most one option to receive any positional arguments. Most commonly, this is used for a list of string argument: the resulting option value will be a list of the positional arguments.

For example, by default, for a non-positional list argument (config.define_string_list('foo')), to pass multiple values, you need to specify the flag each time (tilt up -- --foo bar --foo baz).

If you define it to take positional arguments (config.define_string_list("foo", args=True)), then you do not specify the flag and all positional arguments will be merged into a list (tilt up -- bar baz).

In both cases, config.parse()['foo'] == ['bar', 'baz'].

Future Directions

This section describes places we expect the config to go.

More Kinds of Settings

You should be able to define more kinds of settings (for example, an enum). By moving error-checking to the built-in library, you can make your Tiltfile shorter and more correct.

Better Config Manipulation/Discovery

Your users should be able to understand what reasonable values are. This could be from help output, tab-completion, or in the Web UI. Tilt should provide a way to manipulate tilt_config.json. Your users should be able to modify the config in the Web UI.

Escape Hatch for Argument Parsing

You should be able to use a custom syntax for command-line arguments. The config module could take a function that would parse a command-line into JSON.

Interaction with load/include

Tiltfiles that are used via load/include should be able to define and use config settings.