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Debugging File Changes: Rebuilds and Ignores

Tilt watches your file system, and rebuilds any resources that have changed.

But what do you do when a file changes, but Tilt does the wrong thing?

This page should help you understand when file changes trigger builds, and when they don’t.

Basic Principles

1) When Tilt builds a resource, it should print which file changes triggered that build.

2) When a file changes that you don’t have control over, Tilt should not do a rebuild.

3) We optimize the syntax so that it’s easy to ignore spurious file changes, and hard to watch too much.

Where File Watches Come From


Tilt will always watch the Tiltfile. If the Tiltfile changes, Tilt will re-execute it. Most notably, this re-runs any local() calls.

When it’s finished, it will diff all the docker_build() and k8s_yaml() configurations, and only rebuild the ones that have changed.

How Tilt watches new files

Most Tiltfile built-in functions will automatically set up watches for the files they read. If those files change, they re-run the Tiltfile.

This includes helm(), load(), and read_file().

If your Tiltfile contains a local() call that reads from a file, Tilt has no way to know what file it reads. You can tell it to watch additional files with the watch_file() function.

Image Builds

When you include a docker_build() in your Tiltfile, you give Tilt a directory to build. Tilt will watch the entire directory.

Whenever a file in that directory changes, Tilt will re-build the image, then deploy any Kubernetes resources that depend on that image.

Custom and Local Resource Builds

When you build other types of resources (like custom_build() and local_resource()), you can specify a file system path or a list of paths as deps.

Whenever a file under that path changes, Tilt will re-run the specified scripts.

Where Ignores Come From


Tilt will always ignore changes under the .git directory, since watching the directory may trigger unintended builds and impact performance.

When you use docker_build() in your Tiltfile, Tilt will remove .git from the Docker context.

If you need to include the .git directory in a build, you can use custom_build instead of docker_build.

Editor temp files

Tilt has a hard-coded list of temp files in common text editors (Emacs, Vim, etc.).

As devtools developers ourselves, we want to be able to add hidden files to the repo, and not have those hidden files affect other devtools. For example, we don’t think Emacs developers wanted their temp files to break Docker caching. Lots of users get confused when this happens, because it’s not a file they control.

If you find that temp files in your editor trigger builds, please file a bug and we will add it to the list.

These temp files are still included in Docker build contexts by default.


Any docker_build commands will respect the .dockerignore file in their build directory. Learn more about .dockerignore in the Dockerfile reference.

For all docker_build commands in this directory, files that match these patterns will not trigger rebuilds, and will be excluded from the Docker build context.

docker_build and ignore=

For large multi-service repos, you may have multiple docker_build()s in the same directory. With the ignore= parameter, you can add image-specific ignore patterns.

For this specific docker_build() call, files that match these patterns will not trigger rebuilds, and will be excluded from the Docker build context.

The patterns are evaluated relative to the context argument passed to docker_build. For instance, given the call:

    './foo',  # context

Tilt will ignore the file foo/bar.

ignore= and other build types

Both custom_build() and local_resource() also support the ignore= parameter.

They handle it a a little differently than docker_build does. See our Custom Build Guide.

docker_build and only=

The docker_build() call’s only= parameter excludes everything but the paths specified in only.

For example,

    only=['./src', './static-files'])

is equivalent to having a .dockerignore file that looks like:


The only= parameter accepts paths, not glob patterns.

Again, these paths are evaluated relative to the context passed to docker_build; in the call above, the only directories included in the resulting image are foo/src and foo/static-files.

only= and other build types

Other build types don’t have an only= parameter.

For docker_build, only= filters what files are available to the docker build within the build context. Other types of builds are simply able to access all files, and deps= specifies which paths trigger them.


The .tiltignore file tells Tilt about file changes that should not trigger rebuilds.

Tilt looks for a file named .tiltignore in the same directory as your Tiltfile. The .tiltignore patterns have the same syntax as .dockerignore. Learn more about .dockerignore in the Dockerfile reference.

Files that match these patterns will not trigger rebuilds.

.tiltignore does not affect whether a file is included in any Docker build contexts.


The Tiltfile can specify additional patterns that should not trigger rebuilds.

This is equivalent to adding these patterns to .tiltignore (correcting for any differences in working directory). It’s useful in Tilt extensions that download files, but that don’t want the downloaded files to trigger rebuilds as they’re being downloaded.

watch_settings does not affect whether a file is included in any Docker build contexts.

Inspecting File Watches Yourself

Tilt has a FileWatch API. At any time, you can inspect exactly which files a running Tilt environment is running with the tilt get filewatches and tilt describe filewatches commands.

Let’s look at a few examples with the Plain Old Static HTML example project.

$ tilt get filewatches
NAME                       CREATED AT
configs:singleton          2021-05-04T22:00:32Z
image:example-html-image   2021-05-04T22:00:32Z

In this example, Tilt has two filewatches: one for reloading the Tiltfile (“configs:singleton”), and one for rebuilding the Docker image (“image:example-html-image”).

Let’s unpack those filewatches in more detail.

$ tilt get filewatches configs:singleton -o yaml
kind: FileWatch
  annotations: configs:singleton
  creationTimestamp: "2021-05-04T22:00:32Z"
  name: configs:singleton
  resourceVersion: "1"
  uid: 86e69fd0-c2e0-41f1-99ab-2c307c8a9e27
  - /home/nick/src/tilt-example-html/0-base/.dockerignore
  - /home/nick/src/tilt-example-html/0-base/.tiltignore
  - /home/nick/src/tilt-example-html/0-base/Dockerfile
  - /home/nick/src/tilt-example-html/0-base/Tiltfile
  - /home/nick/src/tilt-example-html/0-base/kubernetes.yaml
  lastEventTime: null
  monitorStartTime: "2021-05-04T22:00:32.286554Z"

When I print the full specification, I can see that we’re watching 5 files. But we haven’t seen any changes yet.

Let’s touch one of the files and see what happens:

$ touch /home/nick/src/tilt-example-html/0-base/Tiltfile
$ tilt get filewatches configs:singleton -o yaml
kind: FileWatch
  annotations: configs:singleton
  creationTimestamp: "2021-05-04T22:00:32Z"
  name: configs:singleton
  resourceVersion: "4"
  uid: 86e69fd0-c2e0-41f1-99ab-2c307c8a9e27
  - /home/nick/src/tilt-example-html/0-base/.dockerignore
  - /home/nick/src/tilt-example-html/0-base/.tiltignore
  - /home/nick/src/tilt-example-html/0-base/Dockerfile
  - /home/nick/src/tilt-example-html/0-base/Tiltfile
  - /home/nick/src/tilt-example-html/0-base/kubernetes.yaml
  - seenFiles:
    - /home/nick/src/tilt-example-html/0-base/Tiltfile
    time: "2021-05-04T22:04:09.056840Z"
  lastEventTime: "2021-05-04T22:04:09.056840Z"
  monitorStartTime: "2021-05-04T22:00:32.286554Z"

The file watch status field is immediately updated with the file change. Other objects in Tilt read this change to figure out whether to reload.

Hacking FileWatches

Reading APIs is boring. Let’s make some changes.

The tilt edit command lets us change file watches on the fly.

$ EDITOR=emacs tilt edit filewatch configs:singleton

I’m going to go ahead and remove all the files.

Now, when I touch the Tiltfile again, nothing reloads:

$ touch /home/nick/src/tilt-example-html/0-base/Tiltfile
$ tilt get filewatches configs:singleton -o yaml
kind: FileWatch
  annotations: configs:singleton
  creationTimestamp: "2021-05-04T22:00:32Z"
  name: configs:singleton
  resourceVersion: "5"
  uid: 86e69fd0-c2e0-41f1-99ab-2c307c8a9e27
  - /home/nick/src/tilt-example-html/0-base/.dockerignore
  lastEventTime: null
  monitorStartTime: "2021-05-04T22:08:23.820911Z"

tilt edit is a convenient way to debug file watch problems. I sometimes turn file watches off if I don’t want them to trigger reloads. Or I add new ignore patterns to test them.

When I reload the Tiltfile (e.g., by clicking the reload button in the Tilt UI), Tilt will regenerate all the file watches from scratch, blowing any of my temporary edits away.

Try it Yourself

If you’d like to try out the APIs in this guide, see this example repo. You can:

  • git clone
  • tilt up to run all the servers
  • Try editing the files and see which servers reload.
  • In a separate terminal, run tilt get filewatches and tilt describe filewatches to see how Tilt processes the edits.

Future Work

If Tilt rebuilds an image, you should always be able to look at the logs and see which file change triggered that rebuild.

But there are still cases that are hard to debug:

1) If Tilt ignored a file change, which rule blocked the file? Was it a .dockerignore or a .tiltignore?

2) If a Docker image build wasn’t cached correctly, which file change broke the cache? Are there files in my Docker image that shouldn’t be there?

We are open to thoughts and feature requests on how to help people answer these questions!